Hey, I know you!

discreet_in_houston's Avatar
I recently worked with a client in a real world business transaction that I knew was a provider from her photos and email address. She had no idea who I was, and obviously, I made absolutely no mention of the hobby at all.

But this got me thinking...

Has anyone had the opposite situation, where you walk into a session and realize that you know each other or are acquaintances in real life? Because of blurred or blocked face pics, you didn't know until that face-to-face moment?
What did you do? Did you stop the session and walk away? Did you continue with the session and keep the secret?
Yep. Just once. Not long after coming out of retirement, I opened the door and he looked very familiar.

First thought was that he was a client from years ago.
Then he looked like he recognized me as well.
It hit us both at the same time....
We are both regulars at the same little dive bar!!

Awkward and funny.

Then I remembered that he was HPD!

Awkward and funny turns TERRIFIED!!

"Holy shit! Am I in trouble?"

Nope, he retired and wasn't vice anyway.
Walked into a deposition once and the lawyer on the opposing side was a provider I’d seen before. We both chuckled and continued on...

And I went to see her again a week later...
NMEufdaST8's Avatar
Walked into a deposition once and the lawyer on the opposing side was a provider I’d seen before. We both chuckled and continued on...

And I went to see her again a week later... Originally Posted by LimitlessJD
Based on her hourly rates for the two different jobs, is it cheaper to fuck her, or have her fuck you?
^^^ good one!!! Hehhe
Walked into a deposition once and the lawyer on the opposing side was a provider I’d seen before. We both chuckled and continued on...

And I went to see her again a week later... Originally Posted by LimitlessJD
That’s a lawyer I would trust and would definitely retain.
Dayna Love's Avatar
It has happened to me a few times, I had just started in the business and was only on BP because that was all I knew at the time, Anyways I had any appt set with a gent and when he showed up it was someone I had dated a few a months back. Needless to say we went to dinner talked and he handed me 500 bucks with no services rendered. LOL one of the easiest money I ever made.
I also manage hotels so yes I see a lot of gents and gals. I just smile and do my job. I know they look at me like WTF really I need to give her all my info...
Based on her hourly rates for the two different jobs, is it cheaper to fuck her, or have her fuck you? Originally Posted by NMEufdaST8
Lol. I was curious as to whether she charged more for one or the other and she told me her hourly rate was always the same. ($350)
NMEufdaST8's Avatar
Lol. I was curious as to whether she charged more for one or the other and she told me her hourly rate was always the same. ($350) Originally Posted by LimitlessJD
Damn. That sort of deal would have been the perfect retainer for my divorce (subject to seeing pics and reading reviews). Whatever time she doesn’t spend on my case, she spends on my dick.
I saw a well know retired provider at Hobby Center once. We made eye contact at intermission, and we both knew. Damn I miss her.
I was "talking" to a young woman for a few weeks and when I met her mother we recognized each other. Her mother was a provider from the Escape days. Things only lasted only a few days after that. I still don't know what she told her.
I recently worked with a client in a real world business transaction that I knew was a provider from her photos and email address. Originally Posted by discreet_in_houston

Wow. Some of these ladies aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. Who in hell uses their real world email/phone, etc for the hobby as well? It's called a persona for a reason. *smh*

Anywhos, to answer the rest of your topic, no, I have not had the reverse happen (thank god, bc I don't know how I'd respond, lols), but I have had sorta the same. Someone I knew in the real world's husband had contacted me for a sesh.

I found out it was him before we met bc he wasn't very smart and used his real phone number to contact me on and I was able to find his info (name, address, etc) while screening him.

I just never replied to him after that, but it was surely awkward every time after that when I would see her. Ugh.
It happens, and is all part of the hobby.

A few years ago my mom had hip replacement surgery and was laid up and needed constant care. I was still working at thst time. We hired a neighbor down the street to come in and assist her.

At the same time a shiny new provider caught my attention, and I would call her and she was never available when I was available. Finally, one evening to make it work. Yep, it was my mom's assistant care taker.

We looked at each other and just laughed. Every time I saw her at my mom's house she would always find an excuse to show me something in the kitchen. We go to the kitchen and she would remove her top, show me her boobs, and say a peak, but you need to come see me again . I was so sad when she retired from the hobby.
ICU 812's Avatar
I have had a fantasy of going to a high-end hotel in-call. The door opens and I step in. I turn and standing there in heels and silky wisps in my daughter-in-law's hounger (adult) sister!
straber's Avatar
Yup, someone I hired then saw her on the hobby a few weeks later. Joke was she needed a raise