Is it Just Me...?

VictoriaVegas's Avatar
Sooo I'm scanning through the Omaha BP and is it just me or does every ad look like LE?! lol no but seriously

Maybe it's because Im used to BP ads being all glamorous and filled with the most pics you can have, fancy and catchy titles with codes, etc.. I know you all know what I mean

It just seems really basic and eerie on BP out here... Like the pictures some girls have up seem to be from the craigslist days. I also see alot of spam posts..

I also noticed that theres alot of alerts on here about stings/etc

I always screen through info a gent has given me and various provider websites and am not too much worried about but I was considering advertising on BP

Any views ladies and gents?
Have a great day!
Your are 100% correct VV and it's good that a new set of eyes can see thru the BS . The ads on BP in Omaha of late are full of unsavory characters; LE, spammers, ROB's, amongst others.
VictoriaVegas's Avatar
Your are 100% correct VV and it's good that a new set of eyes can see thru the BS . The ads on BP in Omaha of late are full of unsavory characters; LE, spammers, ROB's, amongst others. Originally Posted by nashluv69

Yeah.. I've been around for sometime so I've learned my lessons lol
I did post a "tester" ad and only a few people actually responded with the proper screening info!

Besides, Its 2012 and Im just not buying the whole "This is my first time" role.
lol I'll screen your butt to the max!
Bigh1955's Avatar
VV, The fare on BP around here is questionable at best...and more often than not is uncle leo or highly suspect NCNS time-wasters. I've almost entirely given up on BP. I much prefer the adds here, on P411, and to some degree Datecheck (although I've noticed a lot of DC adds are out of date).
Yes, VV screen my butt away........ maybe touch and pinch it if you must to make sure it is real.