Feliz Cumpleaņos George!

Ms Francisca's Avatar
I did not see a happy b-day thread for you, so I started one.You still have 2 hours !

Happy birthday my friend!

Muchos besos!
Happy Birthday, George! Thank you for servicing the ladies. Er, I mean, thank you for your service!
George!!! Happy birthday you wild and crazy hobbyist! I hear you had some amazing taco, or bearded clams, for your special day. Lucky You! You got my favorite meal. How I love me some Fran and Purrrsia, so you must feel like a lucky, lucky man. Feel the love???
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
Thank you everyone!!! Yes I'm still recovering from a very delicious birthday!! Purrrsia and Ms Francisca were awesome!! I can say simply the best birthday of my life! Thank you so very much my lovely ladies!
tpepsi's Avatar
I was about to say "who the fuck is George" but then you posted.

HAPPY Birthday
Yam-guy's Avatar
Happy Birthday. Sounds like you had a great one.
Danielle Jacks's Avatar
🎁Happy belated birthday George!🎂 I am glad you had an awesome celebration with two gorgeous ladies. You deserved to treat yourself! Hope the coming year is a fantastic one for you.
Xoxo Danielle💋
ck1942's Avatar
Definitely a birthday to be remembered!
Chuck10's Avatar
Glad to hear you had a Very Happy Birthday!...