invasion of the AMP postings

Been a long time surveyor of BP and have noticed over the past 1 year the AMP postings have gone up, more locations crop up. You see less independents in there.

I am wondering if the AMPs are not trying to run off the indies..
Not politically correct, but I wish BP would start a category for non-Asians. Sure would save a lot of time browsing the "Body Rub" category.
Have you also noticed they are very skilled at slipping in certain "keywords?" Try typing in "independent" in the body rub section, and about half the Asian spas appear in your search results.
JohnnyFarangly's Avatar
An inside source told me the AMPs are advertising in an attempt to increase their business.
But, thats just a rumor.

I am sure the AMPs could care less about the indie's.
They certainly have ramped up the postings...
TexasDesperado's Avatar
I wish they stop writing on the pics messing up my free asian porn

beautifulbailey's Avatar
I've noticed I have to weed more and more through the AMP ads to find mine on BP. As an "indie" I will adapt, in otherwords I will have to pay more to have a sponser ad on the sidebar. It sucks but what can you do when everyone wants the samething.
wallstreet's Avatar
while i dont have a racial problem with the AMPs, i avoid some of the groups that seem to be less independent.
What i think sucks about it is that the ads are a scrolling wall of sorts...

the more ads they post, the more that get pushed off page 1, and maybe off page 2. Therefore their ads are all anyone sees
Combustion's Avatar
use to filter out all the dupe ads