The Grassley Memo

bambino's Avatar
The hits just keep coming. This memo exposes that the FBI and DOJ did rely heavily on the dossier to obtain the FISA warrants on Page. It also exposes the State Dept that was involved in passing around false information.

New texts reveal that Obama wanted to know everything that was going on. How delicious!
StandinStraight's Avatar
The hits just keep coming. This memo exposes that the FBI and DOJ did rely heavily on the dossier to obtain the FISA warrants on Page. It also exposes the State Dept that was involved in passing around false information.

New texts reveal that Obama wanted to know everything that was going on. How delicious! Originally Posted by bambino
Again only on Fox Fantasy News, nobody else even covers these stupid conspiracy theories. Rabbit food for deplorables! Dumbino why don’t you move to Texas and get it over with, that’s where you belong.
bambino's Avatar
Again only on Fox Fantasy News, nobody else even covers these stupid conspiracy theories. Rabbit food for deplorables! Dumbino why don’t you move to Texas and get it over with, that’s where you belong. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
It’s fact you retard.
It’s fact you retard. Originally Posted by bambino
Since when have LYING LIBERALS ever been bothered with facts ? Especially those that they haven't made up ! Or those that DESTROY their narrative and position !
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-07-2018, 07:40 AM
The hits just keep coming. This memo exposes that the FBI and DOJ did rely heavily on the dossier to obtain the FISA warrants on Page. It also exposes the State Dept that was involved in passing around false information.

New texts reveal that Obama wanted to know everything that was going on. How delicious! Originally Posted by bambino

Did you find that in the Secret Society?
Yeah, Progressive outlets don't deal in the truth. Just look at who Steele tried to shop the dossier around to. CNN, Mother Jones, NYTimes, etc. It's been proven many times that the Clintons, Obama, the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, etc have many times CALLED AND PLANTED stories and talking points to much of the MSM.
They are as much a "new feed" to some of the networks as the AP and Reuters.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup "welcome to the party pal" News media couldn't tell the truth if there life depended on it add the feds do whatever they want and ?
bambino's Avatar
Did you find that in the Secret Society?
Originally Posted by WTF
It’s not secret anymore. They got caught you retard. It’s all coming out.
LexusLover's Avatar
It’s not secret anymore. They got caught you retard. It’s all coming out. Originally Posted by bambino
The "Schiff Memo" is about to turn into the "Shit Memo"!

Are the Anti-Trumper/Liberals going to spout that "redaction" means guilty? Really?

So the REDACTED HillariousNoMore emails PROVED she is GUILTY!!!

As for the "secret society" .... it was no longer a "secret" when NumbNips text to NumbNuts.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Just a few things wrong with your post.
Like everything.
The "Schiff Memo" is about to turn into the "Shit Memo"!
Since you haven't seen it and you predict it will be shit, you must believe it will be politically redacted to conceal information since the author would keep classified info to a minimum
Are the Anti-Trumper/Liberals going to spout that "redaction" means guilty? Really?
You ask a stupid question based on the belief the memo will be redacted and then supply a stupid answer based on what you would say if you were in their position.
Memos aren't proof of guilt or proof anything illegal occurred.

So the REDACTED HillariousNoMore emails PROVED she is GUILTY!!!
[SIZE="3"]Just shut the fuck up
As for the "secret society" .... it was no longer a "secret" when NumbNips text to NumbNuts.As for the "Secret society", what do you know about it? Other than it hadn't had a first meeting? And other than it might have been a joke?
Since the author hasn't said you'll just have to wait till she says something about the meaning.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
This new memo hasn't shown any proof or detailed any sources yet.
Why don't you wait for some proof before you get all excited
LexusLover's Avatar
Just a few things wrong with your post.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Now what's wrong with my post, duffus?

If you knew what is "proof," your comments might be informative. But you don't!

How's that Kryptonite holding up! Do you need some more?

Let me correct your ignorant, loudmouthed ass ....

A memorandum IS EVIDENCE AND PROOF of the statements of fact contained therein if the memorandum is accepted as a summary of what the person would testify if placed under oath and asked the question.

You really need to stick to topics about which you have at least a minimal amount of knowledge ...

.... like latrine licking!
The only "proof" Munchie knows is "80 proof"!
LexusLover's Avatar
The only "proof" Munchie knows is "80 proof"! Originally Posted by gnadfly
It shows!

And I suspect my "last call" he's a fucking genius ...

... probably not much fucking .... just more bullshit!

Of course, I'm anticipating the opportunity to read and study the sworn testimony before the FICA Judge in support of the "application" to snoop on the Trump Campaign Team by the HillariousNoMore Henchmen from "the Bureau" who got the "green light" from Obaminable's "yes" AG who meets in private nonrecorded sessions with the spouses of suspects under investigation to discuss "grandchildren" and "vacations" ... and scrutinize the Judge's questions and rulings based on the fabrications, half-truths, and omissions by the "elite" Federal Gestapo tasked with spying on U.S. citizens to assist the lameass candidate the DNC anointed as the WINNER OF THE 2016 ELECTIONS!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Looks as thou, that the texts messages between the two love birds is bring Odumbo in to the loop
LexusLover's Avatar
Looks as thou, that the texts messages between the two love birds is bring Odumbo in to the loop Originally Posted by Hotrod511

Can anyone imagine Odumbo passing on "overseeing" an investigation of an alleged Russian spy in the Republican nominee's campaign team after spending almost eight fucking years sticking his ignorant nose in almost every little LE incident in the country and giving his worthless 2 cents opinion about what happened? It began here VVVVVVV!