So are you Democrats happy now the Economy is shit?

Are yall happy now 26mil are out of a job?
Are yall happy millions will never get their job back?
Are yall happy now yall can say; Its all Trump's fault?
Are yall happy the Oil Industry is bordering on collapse and might kill our Texas economy to shit?
Are yall happy millions will probably loose their homes?

Yall have been praying for this since January 2017.

And before yall start in on me. I'm a Libertarian.
  • oeb11
  • 04-23-2020, 08:49 AM
The DPST's have a Theme song"

"We've Only Just Begun" to destroy the economy and America
So We can institute amerika - the socialist state.

never let a good crisis go to waste!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Are yall happy now 26mil are out of a job?
Are yall happy millions will never get their job back?
Are yall happy now yall can say; Its all Trump's fault?
Are yall happy the Oil Industry is bordering on collapse and might kill our Texas economy to shit?
Are yall happy millions will probably loose their homes?

Yall have been praying for this since January 2017.

And before yall start in on me. I'm a Libertarian. Originally Posted by Adonisman
You'll need to put it in Russian for the left wing idiots in this forum to understand

Счастливы ли вы, что сейчас 26мил не работают?
Вы счастливы, что миллионы людей никогда не вернут свою работу?
Счастливы ли вы сейчас? Это все вина Трампа?
Довольны ли вы тем, что нефтяная промышленность граничит с коллапсом и может погубить нашу техасскую экономику?
Счастливы ли вы, что миллионы потеряют свои дома?

Йолл молился об этом с января 2017 года.

И прежде чем вы начнете на меня. Я либертарианец
  • oeb11
  • 04-23-2020, 09:45 AM
i would beg to differ Good Sir!
Chinese Mandarin is the appropriate language of the fascist DPST's!
Bowing to comrade Xi!
You'll need to put it in Russian for the left wing idiots in this forum to understand

Счастливы ли вы, что сейчас 26мил не работают?
Вы счастливы, что миллионы людей никогда не вернут свою работу?
Счастливы ли вы сейчас? Это все вина Трампа?
Довольны ли вы тем, что нефтяная промышленность граничит с коллапсом и может погубить нашу техасскую экономику?
Счастливы ли вы, что миллионы потеряют свои дома?

Йолл молился об этом с января 2017 года.

И прежде чем вы начнете на меня. Я либертарианец Originally Posted by Hotrod511

Thank you!!

We also need Farsi too. Since they love General Qasem Soleimani

آیا اکنون خوشحال هستید که 26mil از کار خارج شده اید؟
آیا میلیون ها سال خوشحال نخواهند شد شغل خود را پس بگیرند؟
آیا اکنون خوشحالید می توانید بگویید؛ این همه تقصیر ترامپ است؟
آیا خوشحال هستید که صنعت نفت با فروپاشی هم مرز است و ممکن است اقتصاد تگزاس ما را به فریب دادن بکشاند؟
آیا احتمالاً میلیون ها خوشحال خانه های خود را از دست می دهند؟

Yall از ژانویه سال 2017 برای این کار دعا کرده اند.

و قبل از شروع کار روی من. من یک آزادیخواه هستم
i would beg to differ Good Sir!
Chinese Mandarin is the appropriate language of the fascist DPST's!
Bowing to comrade Xi! Originally Posted by oeb11
Damn right!
lustylad's Avatar
Of course they are happy! The dim-retards have been ROOTING FOR THE VIRUS from Day 1!

This is "trump's Katrina"! They began to circulate that refrain 3 months ago, around the time their impeachment effort fizzled out.

Of course, they try not to gloat OPENLY about all the death and economic devastation. A few of them have enough common sense to recognize that's not a good look and would probably backfire on Election Day.

But it's obvious they secretly welcome the nation's collapse and are actively working to prolong it (we can't reopen yet!) and exploit it to promote their far-left agenda.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Oh they’re happy. Sick in the head, but happy nonetheless.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The economy was never as great for everyone as Trump made it out to be. He was given an economy in very good shape and made it better for most. Good for him.

This was an Act of God. In my opinion, the fall in the economy is not his fault. Some unknown number of voters will hold him accountable though.
  • oeb11
  • 04-23-2020, 02:16 PM
SR - You are sounding more and more like the Far-Leftists AND AOC progressive types with your first line. .

An apologist for the nazi pelosi party and its socialist plans.

Please re-read what you wrote- you are a smart guy.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You'll need to put it in Russian for the left wing idiots in this forum to understand

Счастливы ли вы, что сейчас 26мил не работают?
Вы счастливы, что миллионы людей никогда не вернут свою работу?
Счастливы ли вы сейчас? Это все вина Трампа?
Довольны ли вы тем, что нефтяная промышленность граничит с коллапсом и может погубить нашу техасскую экономику?
Счастливы ли вы, что миллионы потеряют свои дома?

Йолл молился об этом с января 2017 года.

И прежде чем вы начнете на меня. Я либертарианец Originally Posted by Hotrod511

dude... that english to russian translation needs some work on the first line.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SR - You are sounding more and more like the Far-Leftists AND AOC progressive types with your first line. .

An apologist for the nazi pelosi party and its socialist plans.

Please re-read what you wrote- you are a smart guy. Originally Posted by oeb11
OEB, this topic has been covered many times.

The rise in the stock market is meaningful to the 54% of those who have investments. The other 46%, most of whom are on the lower end of the income spectrum, do not care.

Trump took office with unemployment at 4.6%. 3+ years later it was at 3.6%, prior to the coronavirus impact. Lowering the unemployment rate by 1% in 3 years is hardly significant.

The income tax reform plan in 2017 positively affected most but those at the upper middle income level and above came out far better off than those at the middle of the middle income level and below. And despite Trump's claims that the tax breaks would pay for themselves due to increased economic growth, we are stuck with increases in the deficit of about $1 trillion, even without the coronavirus impacts.

All Trump supporters complained that the GDP didn't hit 3.0% under Obama for a calendar year. Didn't hit that under Trump, even though he said it could hit 4% plus. Even before the impact of the coronavirus, 2019 was at 2.3% and estimates for 2020 and 2021 were in the low 2s.

Trump keeps telling us during his coronavirus updates that we are getting billions of dollars from China due to the tariffs we've imposed on them. WRONG! The companies that purchase the goods from China pay the tariffs and then pass them on to the consumers. The estimate is the average family of 4 pays between $750 and $1000 more each year due to the tariffs.

OEB, I have no problem discussing the Trump economy with you or anyone else. Tell me what I've said that is incorrect. Or tell me what other policy changes Trump has made to make our economy better. This has zero to do with one's political stance.
Not happy at all... but we told you so lol
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...We also need Farsi too. Since they love General Qasem Soleimani... Originally Posted by Adonisman

Sos they can listen to it during the Call to prayers. Might even see OBammy there. You know how sweet that sound is to him. Ya, sure, your betcha.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Are y'all happy now 26 mil are out of a job?
Are y'all happy millions will never get their job back?
Are y'all happy now y'all can say; Its all Trump's fault?
Are y'all happy the Oil Industry is bordering on collapse and might kill our Texas economy to shit?
Are y'all happy millions will probably loose their homes?

Y'all have been praying for this since January 2017.

And before y'all start in on me. I'm a Libertarian. Originally Posted by Adonisman

fixing other people's translation errors.

In Russian.
Вы счастливы, что сейчас 26 миллионов остались без работы?
Есть y'all счастливых миллионов никогда не получат свою работу обратно?
Действительно ли вы все счастливы сейчас y'all могу сказать; Это все вина Трампа?
Являетесь ли вы все счастливы нефтяная промышленность граничит с распадом и может убить нашу экономику Техаса срать?
Являются ли вы все счастливые миллионы, вероятно, теряют свои дома?

Y'all молились за этого с января 2017 года.

И прежде, чем вы все начинают на меня. Я либертарианец.

In Farsi/Persian
آیا اکنون خوشحالید که 26 میلیون نفر از کار خارج شده اند؟
آیا میلیون ها نفر خوشحال هستند که هرگز شغل خود را پس نمی گیرند؟
اکنون خوشحال هستید؟ می توانید بگویید؛ این همه تقصیر ترامپ است؟
آیا خوشحال هستید که صنعت نفت با فروپاشی هم مرز است و ممکن است اقتصاد تگزاس ما را به فریب دادن بکشاند؟
آیا میلیون ها نفر خوشحال هستند که احتمالاً خانه های خود را گم می کنند؟

شما از ژانویه سال 2017 برای این کار دعا می کنید.

و قبل از شما در شروع بر روی من. من یک آزادیخواه هستم

In chinese Simplified (chinese is tricky to translate)
是你们都快乐,现在你们都可以说; 都是特朗普的错吗?
你们都对石油工业濒临崩溃并可能杀死我们德克萨斯州的经济感到高 兴吗?


而之前你们都开始在我身上。 我是自由主义者

In Chinese tradititional
是你們都快樂,現在你們都可以說; 都是特朗普的錯嗎?
你們都對石油工業瀕臨崩潰並可能殺死我們德克薩斯州的經濟感到高 興嗎?


而之前你們都開始在我身上。 我是自由主義者