Is Obama a Marxist?

joe bloe's Avatar
I'm completely convinced that far all practical purposes, Barack Obama is a Marxist.

Every major influencial character in his childhood was a leftist radical. His mother, his biological father, his maternal grandfather, his childhood mentor (communist party member Frank Marshall Davis) were all leftist radicals. It's reasonable to expect that most people would be shaped by such an environment.

Mitt Romney was raised as a Mormon. His mother and father were Mormons. He was indoctrinated in the Mormon belief system and he remains a Mormon to this day. I believe that Obama is a Marxist for the same reason Romney is a Mormon. It's just how he was raised.
Yes. I think Obama would be very happy living in a nation state which owns the means of production, controls the economy from top down, is highly centralized, has a one party political system, and micro-manages the everyday lives of it's citizens !

I think it is his end goal.
The disturbing part is that middle America doesn't see it and they don't care; so long as they can go to their soccer games, chat about organic vegtables, and gossip about Kim Kardashian.........

The masses are ignorant blisses; and MSM is very happy keeping them in that state!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes. Obama is a Marxist. Next question.
joe bloe's Avatar
The disturbing part is that middle America doesn't see it and they don't care; so long as they can go to their soccer games, chat about organic vegtables, and gossip about Kim Kardashian.........

The masses are ignorant blisses; and MSM is very happy keeping them in that state! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
There's no stigma attached to Marxism. Communists have murdered over one hundred million of their own citizens since the Bolshevik Revolution and no one seems to care. Marxists should be shunned. There should be a stigma attached to Marxism equal to being a child molestor. If you tell someone that Obama's a Marxist, they'll probably respond with, yeh so, what's your point?

Obama's connections to the radical left are there for everyone to see. He really doesn't even try very hard to pretend he isn't a Marxist; he doesn't need to.
Yes. Obama is a Marxist. Next question. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How do we throw a wrench in his plans?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-05-2012, 12:00 PM
There's no stigma attached to Marxism. Communists have murdered over one hundred million of their own citizens since the Bolshevik Revolution and no one seems to care. Marxists should be shunned. There should be a stigma attached to Marxism equal to being a child molestor. If you tell someone that Obama's a Marxist, they'll probably respond with, yeh so, what's your point? Originally Posted by joe bloe

No, the Communist Party leadership killed millions of their own.

I do not agree that Marxism can ever work--it assumes human nature is good and charitable to a level that is not reality--but the people like Lenin & Trotski did not implement Marxism. They implemented a violent, oppressive dictatorship under the platitudes of Marxism. At the fundamental level the Nazi system was no different--central dictator who litterally believed a single person had rights over everything and could kill any who voiced disagreement. The slogan, the color of the uniform, it makes no difference. By your description there is little difference between someone like Ghengis Kanh, Caligula, and Communism as practiced. Only the surface decorations change.

I find nothing evil about Marxism as a theory; I find issues with those who think the ideal, unachievable version of Communism justifies government takeover, killing of citizens, etc.

Are you claiming only people who believe in a certain economic system deserve citizenship? Separate the economic beliefs from the legality of the means. Otherwise you may find there are a lot of people who quickly become disenfranchised because they are actually believers in a communist economic system:

“The multitude of those who believed were of one heart and soul. Not one of them claimed that anything of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. With great power, the apostles gave their testimony of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Great grace was on them all. For neither was there among them any who lacked, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles’ feet, and distribution was made to each, according as anyone had need.”
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-05-2012, 12:08 PM
How do we throw a wrench in his plans? Originally Posted by acp5762
If you believe in our constitution there is one way: VOTE.
Why, of course he is! This board is filled with such mental giants that they alone have been able to prove what no other political opponents have been able to substantiate.

The entertainment value of seeing just how bigoted people can ignore the facts is off the charts here in "The Redneck/Racist/LIV playground we have incorrectly named the Sandbox! You stupid righties need to christen it the "Kitty Litter Box" since the only non-fecal posts are from Liberals who actually "get it".

You can't even see that the people who have you fooled do not have your best interests at heart. Even Ron Paul and Alex Jones would sell your dumb and happy asses "down the river" for their own selfish reasons.

Wallow on in your own full frontal stupidity.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They must be closet Marxists. They just hate it when one of their own gits made.
Ok Little Stevie, I will play.....

Do you think Obama is a Marxist? Or are you just mocking us for thinking he is?
joe bloe's Avatar
Why, of course he is! This board is filled with such mental giants that they alone have been able to prove what no other political opponents have been able to substantiate.

The entertainment value of seeing just how bigoted people can ignore the facts is off the charts here in "The Redneck/Racist/LIV playground we have incorrectly named the Sandbox! You stupid righties need to christen it the "Kitty Litter Box" since the only non-fecal posts are from Liberals who actually "get it".

You can't even see that the people who have you fooled do not have your best interests at heart. Even Ron Paul and Alex Jones would sell your dumb and happy asses "down the river" for their own selfish reasons.

Wallow on in your own full frontal stupidity. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
As usual, you respond with sarcasm. Just for once, stop the insults and name calling. Give us a serious defence of Obama, as a legitimate leader, that has not deceived the American people into believing he's a John Kennedy/Harry Truman Democrat. If the allegation is so absurd, refute it. Try making an argument against the allegation that Obama is a Marxist. Based on the information available about Obama, the belief that he is a leftist radical (Marxist) is the only reasonable conclusion. It is what Occam's razor requires. Concluding that Obama is a communist is the simplest answer, that is consistant with all the facts, and is therefore the answer most likely to be true.

It's a duck test. Obama looks like a communist, he walks like a communist and he quacks like a communist.

Obama is a communist.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I started by writing about four paragraphs describing the problems with Marxism but decided to erase it all. You know, pearls before swine and all.

Any reasonable, thoughtful person can figure the problems with Marxism and those who aren't, can't. Instead let's talk about Louise. A long time ago people thought the Internet would be a great learning tool. Information on demand! Anyone could look up anything and mankind would leap forward...instead we get people who cut and paste. There is nothing wrong with cut and paste (it is a little dishonest) but if you don't read what you've pasted and understand it what was the point. Louise is all about pasting but his inability to give any sort of an argument shows that he has the understanding of a preteen child. I could be wrong but he hasn't disproven me yet.

In answer to your question; by action and word Barack is a Marxist.
Obama is not a Marxist.

He sees what I see - America's headlong leap toward Mussolini's definition of "Fascism".

You mistake his trying to work within the system to change the system for Marxism.

There is absolutely not one fact or shred of evidence any one of you can produce that proves tax breaks create jobs or that the so-called "job-creators" care about creating American jobs.

In addition, the average worker's wage split from the upward trend of the so-called 1% during the late 70's irreversibly hardened its FLATLINE from that point forward taking its cue from "Trickle Down Economics". Only the wealthiest 5% of the population continued to grow its wealth from that point forward.

You simpletons are too blinded by racism, rhetoric and stupidity to draw the irrefutable conclusions that leap out from 40 years of history.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have done that before and about the time you think they just might understand you come to the realization that it is impossible for them to comprehend more than a line or two at a time. Prime reason they love to cut and paste the thoughts of somebody that remained lucid enough to actually put into words their rambling collection of thoughts.