browsing showcases

knotty man's Avatar
ok, so im on here doing my daily browsing and i started to wonder.
when you click on a ladies showcase and her photos come up which do you go to 1st?
the gratuitous pussy and or ass shot
the overall body shot
her most clear face shot
or do you just view them in the order theyre posted
or do you straight to the "duck face"
for me, the face shot is the "money shot". im a sucker for a beautiful face!
arthur_s's Avatar
The face shot for sure here.
austinkboy's Avatar
That depends on who the girl is. I look at the whole presentation of the thumbnails, then decide which one or two pictures catch my eyes... that usually is the highlight for that girl. Sometimes its the face, sometimes it the nipples, sometimes the butt, thighs, etc. or just overall composure or mood. Different with every girl.
  • E2
  • 01-25-2012, 12:08 PM
I go in order, so I don't miss anything !! Then go back and review the highlights.
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
I tend just to go in order; but if a thumbnail catches my eye, I will go to it first.
Never thought about it; but, since you asked, I know the answer: I always go to any shot that has denim in it. Don't know why but I love it.
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
Never thought about it; but, since you asked, I know the answer: I always go to any shot that has denim in it. Don't know why but I love it. Originally Posted by JDNorthface
To be honest, I thought it was a little odd at first, but thinking about it, I do like how jeans look on a woman... so it makes sense.

Also, even though I enjoy the artistry that goes into professional photos, I usually like it when the provider includes a non-professional photo, as it tends to feel more honest. It's one thing to touch-up a photo, but some people go way beyond touch-up and it makes it difficult to trust the imagery.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I love great ass and titty pics...Those always jump out at me first
Whispers's Avatar
I look for a full length shot of a lady in a nice dress ready for a night on the town..... and then for one in lingerie...... garters, and stockings or sheer baby dolls.... and the ass of course..
Randomuser50's Avatar
For me its the overall picture. Of course I like seeing t and a as well but if there is not a full body over all picture it kind of bugs me.
NipLover's Avatar
Usually the order they come up. Unless I see a large, hard nipple. Gets me every time!
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
The one I hate the most is the duck face of herself in the mirror using her own cell phone with a trashed out extended stay in the background