Prediction….Biden Will Win The Debate,

How many of you are old enough to remember “Rope a Dope”, the strategy that Muhammad Ali used to defeat George Foreman.

For much of the fight, Ali acted outclassed, covering up most of the time , letting big George pummel away. When he sensed Foreman was tiring, he went to work, and won the fight.

Biden is doing much of the same thing. He is laying back, pretending to be an old senile has been. Trump will go in unprepared for a Biden that will suddenly be an entirely different person, alert, and swinging for the fence.

The next day, Biden will see a surge in the polls, and November 6 will just be formality.

If this scenario does not play out, I will issue an apology for even thinking it.

The VP pick is the only thing that could turn the tide. Trump is listening to the wrong people. The only VP pick he should be considering is Niki Haley. Any body else will simply be viewed by all of those suburban white women as more of the same.
Many people have insinuated that.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
How many of you are old enough to remember “Rope a Dope”, the strategy that Muhammad Ali used to defeat George Foreman.

For much of the fight, Ali acted outclassed, covering up most of the time , letting big George pummel away. When he sensed Foreman was tiring, he went to work, and won the fight.

Biden is doing much of the same thing. He is laying back, pretending to be an old senile has been. Trump will go in unprepared for a Biden that will suddenly be an entirely different person, alert, and swinging for the fence.

The next day, Biden will see a surge in the polls, and November 6 will just be formality.

If this scenario does not play out, I will issue an apology for even thinking it.

The VP pick is the only thing that could turn the tide. Trump is listening to the wrong people. The only VP pick he should be considering is Niki Haley. Any body else will simply be viewed by all of those suburban white women as more of the same. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Very interesting thoughts Jackie. My thoughts have been that Biden's tactics would be to get Trump off-script and once that happened Trump would destroy himself. Similar to his lawyers in NY not wanting him to take the stand because they believed he would commit purjury.

Could be a very interesting evening.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
If he shows.

Will he be there to debate? I don't think there is a rope-a-dumpster plan, per se. I wish he would show some balls. I don't see that happening.

You have a good "out" not to apologize for. Hedging your bets based on the VP nod.

Great thread.
texassapper's Avatar
Jesus, can you people NOT detect sarcasm...?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yes. A real observer can. Of who do you speak, sir?
winn dixie's Avatar
Dark brandon is gonna pummel trumpf in the debate. Just let trumpf talk. Trumpf will embarrass himself with nobody's help.
He can't help it
eccieuser9500's Avatar
That's why he didn't testify in his own defense. He can't. He can't debate. Just try to debase. That's it, Mr. Lefty.

Still in good standing.
ICU 812's Avatar
I am guessing that President Bidden will not be able to finish the entire debate.

That might just be wishful thinking on my part, but he cannot continue to function in public for much longer.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
How do you debate a 78-year-old man who acts like a big baby? You frustrate that baby and make him cry on a national stage for all to see... Trump will get frustrated and act like the unhinged and out of control fool that he is. There is no need to really focus on winning the debate because Trump won't let you talk much anyway. Just let him talk as much as possible to bury himself to all but his MAGA cult geniuses.

I am guessing that President Bidden will not be able to finish the entire debate.

That might just be wishful thinking on my part, but he cannot continue to function in public for much longer. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I think that is safe to say about either one of those unfit old geezers for the job. Some of you are under the misconception that Trump comes across as being remotely competent with his little pea brain that seems to be getting worse by the day.
Dark brandon is gonna pummel trumpf in the debate. Just let trumpf talk. Trumpf will embarrass himself with nobody's help.
He can't help it
Snick Originally Posted by winn dixie
Oh yeah, I can't wait to hear Biden's inspirational gibberish, lol.
winn dixie's Avatar
Oh yeah, I can't wait to hear Biden's inspirational gibberish, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Corn pop will rule the debates
txdot-guy's Avatar
A bunch of babies.

(Staff edit - Removed image)
Corn pop will rule the debates Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yeah, That's Biden's alter Ego, lol.
Michael8219's Avatar
Corn pop will rule the debates Originally Posted by winn dixie
C’mon man! You do realize Corn Pop was the bad black dude and not Brandon?

Corn Pop was a bad dude and he ran a bunch of bad boys, their names were Fruit Loop, AppleJack, Capt Crunch, and Cheerio (comment stolen from the internet but the Captain was my original Shakespearean addition).

If you watch the full video, you will have lost 5 minutes of your life and not know what the heck the big guy said. And in a comment to the video: “I always used to think that leg hair story was taken out of context, then I watched the whole thing and realize there is no context.”

I believe the debate will be a draw or slight nod to Biden since CNN will be muting Trump’s mic and sleepy Joe will likely be vitaminized and caffeinated similarly as he was at the SOTU show. And of course obummer will be under the stage.