Ben Affleck

USAsoldier's Avatar
Hello all! Well my buds and I have tix for tonight's showing of BATMAN VS SUPERMAN!

Question? Will Ben Affleck be an awesome Batman? Could the role have gone to a younger actor? I personally liked Christian Bale myself. We shall see!

I've never wasted any of my precious minutes on earth watching any of those movies.

USAsoldier's Avatar
I've never wasted any of my precious minutes on earth watching any of those movies.

ijs Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
So you kinda sorta maybe don't like comic book movies? Geez.. Perhaps The Notebook, Mona Lisa Smile and/or anything with Jennifer Aniston are more your type of flix.
  • cr76
  • 03-24-2016, 04:56 PM
i heard he's the best part.

take a lot to out do christian Bale.

We shall see.
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
i heard he's the best part.

take a lot to out do christian Bale.

We shall see. Originally Posted by cr76
Bale lost his acting mojo since American Psycho,,,He went too mainstream,,,Affleck has redeemed himself but he is still no DeNiro.
Fishpie's Avatar
They went with an older Batman because of the source material is based on an older Batman. Reading spoilers and interviews looks like Zack Synder is a hack just like Christopher Nolan. Then again DC can be put at fault also for not doing their homework the way Marvel did.
USAsoldier's Avatar
Affleck's "Argo" was outstanding! Yes he's redeemed himself with that one.
I saw Bale in The Big Short, not bad at all. He didn't dissapoint. He's still got some mojo. That Exodus- Gods and Kings movie by my boy Ridley Scott was great!
Don't film critics normally hate all comic book movies anyways?
Slitlikr's Avatar
Still waiting for Clint Eastwood's next cowboy movie.
  • cr76
  • 03-24-2016, 08:31 PM
i thought ben afflec had redeemed himself with The town.
bigwill832's Avatar
Just saw the movie. It was great. Wonder Woman is the best part. Affleck makes a good batman....and I hate to admit that.
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
Just saw the movie. It was great. Wonder Woman is the best part. Affleck makes a good batman....and I hate to admit that. Originally Posted by bigwill832
The movie was too long,,,The first act was interesting,,,The second act was boring and confusing,,,The third act was action-packed,,,The epiologue was overkill and pretentious,,,There were too many dream sequences,,,Ben was great,,,Lex Luther was a boring weasel,,,Superman got his ass kicked throughout the movie,,,Wonder Woman was a highlight,,,Batman was dark and bad ass,,,Alfred complained throughout the movie,,,Doomsday wasn't menacing enough,,,Lois constantly needed saving,,,The soundtrack worked,,,There was no extra footage after the credits rolled. It was better than Dead Pool.
Fishpie's Avatar
Did you just compare BvS to Deadpool? That's like comparing The Brady Bunch to Married...With Children.
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
Did you just compare BvS to Deadpool? That's like comparing The Brady Bunch to Married...With Children. Originally Posted by Fishpie
Both are comic book movies,,,One had raunchier dialogue than the other,,,One had better special effects,,,Both were not real stand-outs. Dark Knight still wins as the best comic book movie.
USAsoldier's Avatar
Goodness what a flick! So my damn idiot friend got us tix to Imax but on row A, which is the first row in the theater. It felt like I was the one getting punched ha! So we're giving it another go tonight. It's worthy of another viewing.

Yes it was a tad long but over all it was pretty awesome. Ben Affleck was intense as the new man for Batman. The guy who played Lex, Jesse something did a good role, I disagree with The Cats Meow review of him, but your over all review of the movie I somewhat agree with.

Bonus - The trailer for Suicide Squad! Margo Robbie as Harley Quinn! That's one for the spank bank lol!
Ben affleck did the best batman ever imo. Lex was casted horribly tho. Awkward af twitches like wtf, lex doesn't do that shit.