Sam Brownback, Abrogator General

Longermonger's Avatar
Sammy wants to create an Office of the Repealer to get rid of outdated laws. No details offered on how this would work or what laws would be repealed. My guess is any tax laws they don't like.

This could turn out to be very dangerous if done incorrectly. It would basically give veto power even after a law has passed to one man, the Repealer General.

It could also be hilarious. Just look at how Texas recently made marriage illegal.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I would take the chance. If we get rid of 100 laws, and find out one or two should remain in effect, we can re-enact them. Never thought I would support Brownback, but this might do it.

Besides, if something goes wrong, I'll get the blame anyway,
Longermonger's Avatar
You see how this could get abused though, right?

Let's say a (gasp!) Democrat is elected/appointed to be the Repealer General. The Republican led House and Republican led Senate pass a bill about something by an overwhelming majority and it becomes law by overriding the Governor's veto power. Then the Repealer steps in and strikes it down. I could see conservatives getting outraged...
Do we know whether this "repealer" will have the authority to strike down laws unilaterally with no action by the governor or legislature?