when do you post an alert?

At what point do you post an alert on someone?

What happens when your pics are somewhere without your permission and the person will not take them down in a timely fashion. What if the person is an agency and not something that can be flagged like Backpage or when Craigslist was around?

What point do you post an alert on someone if they keep harassing even though you have told them to stop? Sending messages that are "not nice" or accusing you of crimes that have clearly not been committed? If a crime has been committed then it is suggested to go through the proper channels and not sending messages online.

I do not like to start threads nor do I like to post alerts on here or the main other boards; but rather in a provider only board, due to keeping a hush hush on things. It just works out better for me. If the person is that serious of a threat then I will post an alert but thankfully this has not happened in a long time...

what is enough? Sometimes a simple pm or phone call resolves the situation, but what if it doesn't?
moderaotors are suppose to put a stop to it but I don't if it really works
This is a really good question and being a mature provider I will share whatever I have that may hopefully pass for wisdom.

I don't like to air dirty laundry in public either and being the battle axe I am, it would be a rarity for me to run to some board owner or other male members of the community to take deal with my business. I prefer to take care of things myself for two reasons the first being that it sends a clear message that I am in control and not vulnerable and the second being that my feminist soul will not let me do anything but that.

Nip things in the bud immediately. Being a provider does not mean that you have to put up with any unwanted or uninvited calls/texts or abusive, misogynistic language and stalking type behavior. If you are questioning your judgement in a situation, do a little role reversal and imagine yourself doing the behavior or being the aggressor and the individual in question as the target. This should illustrate a picture in your head that will guide you. If your first reaction is "OH HELL NO"! and could never see yourself having that kind of behavior then you know its something you should probably resolve.

I go to moderators first as they govern the board. If after writing them twice and getting no response and the problem still continuing well.. ... I usually take the bull by the horns and request a public meeting with the individual to resolve the situation and I post this request publicly. 9 times out of 10 you will never hear another peep out of the person. I had a stalker within my first two weeks of escorting. When he would pull shit I would include a little note to him at the bottom of my ads that humorous but direct. He finally gave up but it took me standing my ground and not being intimidated.

Bottom line though... its real easy to get caught up in the mud and rumor mill and gossip and bullshit that I see happen on some boards. I like this board because it seems to be fairly free of that kind of behavior. Like I said, I am a warrior woman and my first instinct is draw a big sword and stand ready for battle..... but somewhere in my life somebody taught me how to count to ten.. which in turn led me to figure out how to respond rather than react. There's a big difference.

Sometimes you have to just shut up and let them do their thing and not sink to the level of debauchery they are demonstrating. I recently had some jerk boy post a bunch of smack on me because I curbed his behavior on another board. Two hobbyists whom I have never met came to my defense before I even saw the posts so often if whats being done is bullshit, it will be recognized as such. If you feel the need to comment point to your reviews as testimony of your character and leave it at that.
In the end you will come out looking like the lady you are and you wont have shit on your hands to clean off.

I commend you on posting this topic. This can be a very very isolating gig and some of the things we are exposed to can make you question your own sanity.... but its always good to get a second opinion and it takes real intelligence to understand that. If I can help you pick your brain any contact me ... have a great day Dutchess and I hoped this helped!

xoxox annie aka brick house
Great response Brickhouse!! Sometimes you will get attacked for placing an alert. Hope this doesn't happen to you. It's happened to me & a few other providers in my area. The worst feeling is when you are TRULY trying to protect the community. Most of us have just resorted to not placing alerts anymore because of the negative feedback. But, it sounds like your situation is different & getting very serious. I wish you the best babe. Hope everything turns out ok for ya!! Follow your gut & Stay safe!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Bottom line though... its real easy to get caught up in the mud and rumor mill and gossip and bullshit that I see happen on some boards. I like this board because it seems to be fairly free of that kind of behavior. Like I said, I am a warrior woman and my first instinct is draw a big sword and stand ready for battle..... but somewhere in my life somebody taught me how to count to ten.. which in turn led me to figure out how to respond rather than react. There's a big difference. Originally Posted by brickhouse
Annie, you are such a badass! Love it!
Hope you are doing well.
I agree with everything said.. and thank you for your input. The pics are down now, and I thank them for that.
New alert. He goes under pathfinder Patrick on his email. Wastes time stating he's doing conference calls today, keep emailing him throughout day. He likes you to call him sir. He wants you to be submissive. Very freaky requests. I found out he has been alerted 4 times as a bad boy on Google, and 4 times on eccie. I'm grateful I found out due to girls taking time to post an alert. Thank you. You saved my sanity, maybe my life. Lexi0305
Please help. Roc bob is his handle. He made 3 appointments with me. I never saw him once. He wasted my time. He claimed he wasn't jerking me around. On my reviews which were all good until he commented on me, my home or location? I never met him once. How can I let people know he's lying, and never dated him. He's ruining my business. Please help. Thank-you, lexi0305