IP address

I just signed up for Clear network, so far I am very happy. Question? Since I can use this when traveling , can my IP address be traced back to my hotel?
YoHou's Avatar
  • YoHou
  • 04-13-2013, 12:17 PM
It can be track to a general area of where the Device that is pulling the IP. If you're really worried about being tracked, get a VPN or use TOR.
Short answer: No, not to your hotel.
Detailed answer: As YoHou indicated, it can be traced to the tower on which Clear is attached. Generally, Clear uses Sprint towers for its repeaters, so your coverage may not be all that hot in a good number of areas due to Sprint's poor equipment, and its ongoing 4g-LTE upgrade.
Wow, good to know !
Use the Tor browser bundle:


Portable, safe, and unless you've pissed off the NSA you're good to go.
cyborg's Avatar
Since I'm known for my online antics as a 'cyber-terrorist', I'll throw my two cents in here:

There is only one way to find an IP address's physical location (barring the possibility a Federal order has been issued).

The way we do it is to have 'friends in low places' who work for ISPs who will give us account information based on an IP address. We research the IP, find the service provider, and hopefully have a friend who works tech there.

In short, it would take someone very motivated to find your location, let alone you, from just an IP.