
My new GF is a genuine Mistress and one of her demands is that I lose the downstairs thatch. I've got no problem doing that; I just need a recommendation in the Austin area for a reliable practitioner of the art. Waxing looks really painful, so does anyone know how often it needs repeating?
shrek's Avatar
  • shrek
  • 06-26-2017, 04:56 PM
its not that painful. plan on going every 2 -3 months depending on how quickly your hairs grow. look for a waxing the city franchise in case you cant find a salon.
Ronin3's Avatar
Can't do it yourself? Trim pubes with scissors or a trimmer. Shave the nuts with a disposable. Take a few minutes
I can do it myself of course, but I think the waxing route should eventually lead to better and longer lasting results.
Razors = burn for me. Tried waxing...meh. So I pluck. Use a beard razor on #2 setting and then go in with a very good set of sharp tweezers. After a few hours of me time and a few short follow ups over next week and as needed after. Use a flashlight to search and destroy the smallest ones.

Few if any ingrown, no razor burn...I usually keep it bare for a year or two at a time.maintenance is pretty low.. girls almost always talk bout how smooth and soft... so worth the time IMHO.
FishGuy13's Avatar
The scrotum is like elbow skin no nerve endings, they are all in the testaciles and the head of your dick. The area above the cock, hurts but just put pressure on the spot she just yanked the hair out of and it goes away pretty quickly. Some of the waxing gal's I have used just sorta lay their other hand on the spot, but don't be afraid to say push hard or push yourself or on her hands as she lays it on the spot. I've been getting the full brozillian about every 5-6 weeks for years now and if you go on a regular basis it hurts much less over time as in the second time go about 4 weeks later. And sugar vs waxing, I think the sugar is a little bit better but it is mostly down to the skill of the waxer aka anestinestion if I've spelled that right.
pyramider's Avatar
Just get a roll of duct tape. Leave the roll on your dash for 20 minutes. The adhesive will be very sticky just apply and quickly remove. Cheaper than waxing.
I use a disposable razor ......... I had a experienced provider wax me in Vegas. Never again...... Hurt so bad. Took a few days to get over it