Bloomberg Gets Richer off Trump Then Runs Against Trump

LexusLover's Avatar
Go ahead DNC .... please do!

The Tale of the Tape! .... Ticker Tape that is!

Since Trump's election "Bloomie's" wealth has grown about $10 BILLION

3X'S the total wealth of Trump!!!!


Bloomberg has made money off the Trump Economy and now he wants to trash Trump like all those who are making money off the Trump Economy. In other words his wealth increased by 25% during the past three years of the Trump Administration!!!!
Lapdog's Avatar
Go ahead DNC .... please do!

The Tale of the Tape! .... Ticker Tape that is!

Since Trump's election "Bloomie's" wealth has grown about $10 BILLION

3X'S the total wealth of Trump!!!!


Bloomberg has made money off the Trump Economy and now he wants to trash Trump like all those who are making money off the Trump Economy. In other words his wealth increased by 25% during the past three years of the Trump Administration!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Jealous much?
LexusLover's Avatar
Jealous much? Originally Posted by Lapdog
No! Are you?

You probably should stick to AMP's!

He even looks scared sandwiched between Butt-Ugly and "Tit-less"!!!!

I was a little curious though if "everyone" with a 401k HAD A 25% GAIN DURING TRUMP'S ADMINISTRATION.

Or was it only the "insiders"?
Lapdog's Avatar
It's heartwarming to know that all of this orange shit stains' supporters are getting what they deserve, especially you, junior.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's heartwarming to know that all of this orange shit stains' supporters are getting what they deserve, especially you, junior. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Sorry you're not able to take advantage of the Trump economy.

As he dismantles the welfare system created by Obminable ...

... one EO at a time! Maybe you can get some "handout pussy"!

You're sounding more and more like .... envy!
Jaxson66's Avatar
I’ve heard of Bloomberg, he’s the guy who called the fat lying bastard a pathological liar, then pointed out his fake hair, his fake tan, his lies about his weight. I’d say it was a accurate description.

Viva La Bloomberg
Jaxson66's Avatar
Jealous much? Originally Posted by Lapdog
You nailed him, he’s a envious little man, probably drives a Pinto and lusts in his heart for a Lexus.
LexusLover's Avatar
You nailed him, he’s a envious little man, probably drives a Pinto and lusts in his heart for a Lexus. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So says the ...

...envious fat bellied wimp, who probably drives nothing and lusts in his heart for a piece of ass.

Keep sucking up beers on the Station Driveway talking shit about "your good ole days" of firefighting!

While you suck on the government tit!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
I’ve heard of Bloomberg, he’s the guy who called the fat lying bastard a pathological liar, then pointed out his fake hair, his fake tan, his lies about his weight. I’d say it was a accurate description.

Viva La Bloomberg Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So "Bloomie" is your candidate? I was wondering which one of the LOONS you would finally endorse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH! Calling YOUR PRESIDENT a "fat lying bastard" is not an "endorsement"!!!!!! It's just HOT AIR!
Lapdog's Avatar
[QUOTE=Jaxson66;1061948526]You nailed him, he’s a envious little man, probably drives a Pinto and lusts in his heart for a Lexus.[/QUOTE

Yeah, he considers a pimped out Camry with faux leather seats to be the epitome of automotive excellence. SMH
LexusLover's Avatar

Yeah, he considers ..... Originally Posted by Lapdog
Wouldn't getting laid be more fun than lying about shit you know nothing about? Or did you find your way here merely talk shit?

That's what your new "friend" does while he sucks on the government tit! May be you all can suckle together.

Litters who suckle together stay together!!!!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Rude and untrue, Lexsy.

Yous don’t actually think yous can make so many false statements without people callings you on it, eh?

Yet yous seems to lose it every time someone challenges your outrageous comments. No needs to get so hot under the collar. Unless your shirts don’t have a collar...

(How many excalamation makes a statement into a rave, big shooter?)
Lapdog's Avatar
Wouldn't getting laid be more fun than lying about shit you know nothing about? Or did you find your way here merely talk shit?

That's what your new "friend" does while he sucks on the government tit! May be you all can suckle together.

Litters who suckle together stay together!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Looks like I struck a nerve with the LexusLoser. The truth is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow, wouldn't you say so junior?
LexusLover's Avatar
Looks like I struck a nerve .... Originally Posted by Lapdog
... you have none! Normally, I would express my sorrow for the inability of someone to get laid. In your case they are better off you don't try.

You should probably run along back to the Houston spa forum, before you stub a toe or two.

Particularly since you are mindless with regard to the customary topics in this forum.
Hotrod511's Avatar
... you have none! Normally, I would express my sorrow for the inability of someone to get laid. In your case they are better off you don't try.

You should probably run along back to the Houston spa forum, before you stub a toe or two.

Particularly since you are mindless with regard to the customary topics in this forum. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You know LL I never realized there were so many cupcake loser's that live in Texas! then there is the fake Canadian Assup that lives in Austin, hell his avatar give's him away always talking about someone's junk