Are There Any Non-Asian AMPs/Spas in Rochester?

NiceGuy40RochNY's Avatar
I like being able to just walk in without a lot of advance planning, or endless calls, to a Rub & Tug, and be able to pick from at least a 2 or more girl line up.

Not that attracted to out of shape, middle aged Korean/Chinese women - no offense to you mongers who are.

Are there any establishments like an AMP in Rochester that are not necessarily Asian, or that have women under age 40?

Rochester had a run back in the 90's when these were everywhere. My favorite was
disguised as a tanning salon on Norris Drive, behind Cobbs Hill - all time favorite girl was there. Any one else remember Carmen B. ? The "B." was easy to remember because she had a tatooe of a busy bee under her panty line. A very busy piece of real estate - lol.

Anyways, would love to find a place I can park safely nearby - but not too obvious - just walk in, get my money's worth for a full 30 minutes, tip generously and not smell like kimchi when I leave. They can keep the water bottle at the end.

Any suggestions appreciated.
Zollner's Avatar
Sadly those days are long gone down here but live and well up North.
Those were the days. I always wondered about that girl that has that Snuggery place on Park but doubt if she gives he on purpose anyway.
Never figured it was worth trying.
I miss Exotic Cuts on the Blvd. in Tonawanda....
To bad Red Garder Showroom in porn store on n.f.b. Closed !! I remember one chick who I banged in my custom van behind the store in broad daylight. Must have been a sight with all the traffic and a bouncing van !!
Zollner's Avatar
Heard TOTT in the Niagara Falls US was fun. Think it's still open but never saw anything there when checking it out a couple times.
Misses Pure Elegance on South Park and Magic Touch on Marvin St.
Zollner's Avatar
Miss Marvin St.
Magic Touch on Marvin St. Originally Posted by BfloEd
Miss Marvin St. Originally Posted by Zollner
The original Kimbo. Anybody remember she was on Harlem near the 33 before Marvin st..

Zollner's Avatar
There is also Carla on Harlem near the 33.

How could we forget Vanillastrokez.
cale1964's Avatar
I forgot Marvin St. had a name! There was one for a long time on Niagara St. Sort of close to the Schupper House.
Zollner's Avatar
Brandy at Sensual Sensations was fun. Wonder if she is still around?
Didn’t someone give her a shitty review late in 2019?

I’ve lost contact, but she was fun for me.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
and not smell like kimchi. Originally Posted by NiceGuy40RochNY
Cabbage references are not tolerated by the board authorities whew