For the record...

I am not supposed to post replies on reviews...but I want it to be made clear that I do not post bogus reviews about myself.
In regards to , perhaps it should be considered; it's possible in stumbling upon the site, one of my clients decided to write something about me...but It was not due to any coercing by me. and It's hurtful that people would assume that.

Thanks to these assumptions, I received an email today letting me know that my account is at risk of being disabled.
I have enjoyed many of the discussions I've found on this site...and I try to adhere to the site's rules. I would consider it very sad if I lose access to my membership because one of my clients felt like expressing his appreciation for our meeting.
One more thing "Ok, this sounds like an ad from a member who just joined. Also 60 minutes four hand massage for $60? Real suspicious." My 4 hand massage is $100 for an hour...not 60.
2 hand is 60...and that is only during special hours.
I saw your post in the "questions to MODs" and then I saw these two. So, I'll respond here.

You need to speak to a MOD about this, it shouldn't be discussed out in the open. Posting a private message/email is against ECCIE's board rules. The PM/email you received isn't because a client choose to write a review, but for other reasons that the site owners or MODs will discuss with you in PRIVATE.

The guys have a right to question reviews that in their mind don't seem right. If they didn't question some reviews, point out certain facts and try to get answers, then the guys would get burned more times than they would care to.
I apologize...I did not realize I was breaking a rule.
I posted the question because I tried to contact a MOD, and didn't get a response.
I don't have a problem with guys having questions...I was clarifying what the case was...since I am not able to post replies to reviews...I wanted to make sure guys had the correct facts.
Its my understanding that 'duck hunting' is strongly discouraged on this I'm not sure how appropriate it was to question the review with no evidence that it was fake.

However, I imagine your current problems have to do with ISP addresses. I'm no computer genius, but I assume the 'flag' happens when two accounts have an identical ISP...and that is hard to explain.

Several years ago, there was an ISP kerfuffle, when a provider's ISP was registered to Johnson County (LE?!?)...turned out she was using the computer at the public library. Your situation may be as innocent as that...or not, but I think its perfectly appropriate for the mods to investigate.
Its my understanding that 'duck hunting' is strongly discouraged on this I'm not sure how appropriate it was to question the review with no evidence that it was fake.

However, I imagine your current problems have to do with ISP addresses. I'm no computer genius, but I assume the 'flag' happens when two accounts have an identical ISP...and that is hard to explain.

Several years ago, there was an ISP kerfuffle, when a provider's ISP was registered to Johnson County (LE?!?)...turned out she was using the computer at the public library. Your situation may be as innocent as that...or not, but I think its perfectly appropriate for the mods to investigate. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
I appreciate the insight...When talking about ISP address, I assume you mean where the connection takes place...which would make perfect I have turned several clients on to this site. Some of my clients, as many of the guys who have been here for awhile, are interested in checking out girls who might offer more than I. and So I have showed them how the site works...I didn't realize that helping someone become a member of a community that is new to them would warrant a person losing member access.
This site is very new to me...and I'm trying to use the site without abusing it. As I work to understand how everything is supposed to go...I simply request that the veterans try to be a little understanding.
Thanks to Omahan for clearing up my member status! Your time is appreciated!