Ever wonder who writes the verbage in a ladies website, showcase, p411 page ?

  • zebra
  • 05-28-2014, 11:33 PM
Can you tell which ladies took their time building their P411 page or website ? You can tell which ladies applied themselves, put a lot of effort into it, were articulate in creating the words, sentences, and paragraphs within their site. A lot of men don't even acknowledge this, they don't care, all they want is their dick sucked or to get off and get on down the road. Where I am going with this is do you ever wonder about the ladies who use poor wording, improper spelling, or just cant convey the message they want you to know, or worse and use ebonics and you don't have the new 2014 Ebonic Dictionary on hand ?

Some ladies you just have to overlook cause they are veterans, well known in the hobby, solid reputations, and have multiple positive reviews and they don't show creativity when posting an ad or don't care cause they have many regulars from over the years.

Who wrote her provider ad, her webpage, her P411 site or the biography in her Showcase or did she create this herself ?

Some ladies there is no creativity, no effort is shown or put into creating their Provider Ad, Showcase, Webpage, etc. No sentences, just individual words like GFE, PSE, love you very long time.

I still understand the message they wish to convey with words alone but I ask myself is this a lady I want to go visit or go visit a lady who puts a little more effort into writing her ad, writes with a little more spunk & creativity and shows me that she has substance up their between her ears..

I was reading a e-mail I get from a private forum, one that is sent to all members of the group.

The lady they were discussing, I wont mention her name but I visited her Showcase and I read;

all natural girl, sweet, sophisticated and unhibited. You will find me to be an up-lifting, breath of fresh air.

unhibited... Still looking for the meaning or how I could use it with this lady...

She is not the only lady on ECCIE, there are hundreds here that cant spell, use a spell check, or put comma's in where they don't belong or they write and it does not read good or sound right. Ok, maybe it is just my opinion. I will shut up. Chime in if you wish
DangedDragon's Avatar
Spelling and grammar do not equal MESSAGE.

Some of the most successful online marketers that I deal with are HORRIBLE at grammar and spelling, but still make $50,000+ per month.

One of the most successful email marketers on the planet was stumbling on his podcast trying to remember the name for ().

I think the most important element it how well an escort relays her message to her audience, either via words, pictures, or video. (Unless of course you're looking for the school teacher or librarian theme...then spelling and grammar might be essential.)

If the website is clean, fast, and tells the story clearly, then to heck with grammar...

I'd be more concerned with working on retaining clients, adding new revenue streams, turning browsers into money...etc..

Of course, I'm a marketer, not a school teacher.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Can you tell which ladies took their time building their P411 page or website ? You can tell which ladies applied themselves, put a lot of effort into it, were articulate in creating the words, sentences, and paragraphs within their site. A lot of men don't even acknowledge this, they don't care, all they want is their dick sucked or to get off and get on down the road. Where I am going with this is do you ever wonder about the ladies who use poor wording, improper spelling, or just cant convey the message they want you to know, or worse and use ebonics and you don't have the new 2014 Ebonic Dictionary on hand ?

Some ladies you just have to overlook cause they are veterans, well known in the hobby, solid reputations, and have multiple positive reviews and they don't show creativity when posting an ad or don't care cause they have many regulars from over the years.

Who wrote her provider ad, her webpage, her P411 site or the biography in her Showcase or did she create this herself ?

Some ladies there is no creativity, no effort is shown or put into creating their Provider Ad, Showcase, Webpage, etc. No sentences, just individual words like GFE, PSE, love you very long time.

I still understand the message they wish to convey with words alone but I ask myself is this a lady I want to go visit or go visit a lady who puts a little more effort into writing her ad, writes with a little more spunk & creativity and shows me that she has substance up their between her ears..

I was reading a e-mail I get from a private forum, one that is sent to all members of the group.

The lady they were discussing, I wont mention her name but I visited her Showcase and I read;

all natural girl, sweet, sophisticated and unhibited. You will find me to be an up-lifting, breath of fresh air.

unhibited... Still looking for the meaning or how I could use it with this lady...

She is not the only lady on ECCIE, there are hundreds here that cant spell, use a spell check, or put comma's in where they don't belong or they write and it does not read good (well) or sound right. Ok, maybe it is just my opinion. I will shut up. Chime in if you wish Originally Posted by zebra
You were doing fairly well until that unnecessary apostrophe bit you in the ass (commas is plural and doesn't require an apostrophe), it should have been between the n and t in cant (sic) earlier in the sentence, as well as in the words cant (sic) and wont (sic) earlier in your missive. The "in" following comma's (sic) is also redundant. Then you followed on using good rather than well, the proper adverb in this instance.

Perhaps you should have left well enough alone.

Coast?cruiser's Avatar
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What the hell do you think you're dealing with here? a group of Harvard graduate students selling pussy. personality and service is the key in this biz, intelligence is a bonus
Well lets see I am sure I right my own. Just look for the wrong too and to. And the occasional dose intead of does. Lol But let me say my miss use of spelling has not stopped any of my bussines.
Grace Preston's Avatar
We all tend to market to our strengths. Miss Evans markets her killer abs-- lots and lots of pictures showing em off. Some ladies market themselves as the sweetheart. Some make a great living marketing themselves as the bitch. Myself and a few others DO market ourselves to the more cerebral crowd.

I personally love it when someone schedules with me because they like my grey matter. But I'm not complaining with someone schedules with me because they like my killer rack either!! You don't have to be a genius to suck dick. Not that it hurts... but hey.
We all tend to market to our strengths. Miss Evans markets her killer abs-- lots and lots of pictures showing em off. Some ladies market themselves as the sweetheart. Some make a great living marketing themselves as the bitch. Myself and a few others DO market ourselves to the more cerebral crowd.

I personally love it when someone schedules with me because they like my grey matter. But I'm not complaining with someone schedules with me because they like my killer rack either!! You don't have to be a genius to suck dick. Not that it hurts... but hey. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Exactly! There is something for everyone.
Some guys don't even read the pages besides looking for a contact method..
We all talk about different things.
We all act different ways.
Many Americans, not just hookers & johns are behind on their English reading, writing and comprehension.
DallasRain's Avatar
I have been complimented on my webpage..

I did it all my self......If you have the right inspiration,your mind can be a great assett! lol

I feel that my webpage reflects my board personna & my personal persona too!
FunInDFW's Avatar
I like that you won't mention her name; but will use text that is just as identifying. :lol

OP, would you be ok with a provider using the same logic when you request a session based on your similar mistakes with this thread?
Trill Jackson's Avatar

I also judge based on the quality of pictures. There's lots of pics that look like they were taken on a RAZR phone from 2004.

I don't expect these girls to have a extremely expensive camera but is using an iPhone to take the pics too much to ask?

Also, if you're a provider who doesn't have an iPhone or smartphone i think twice about seeing you, the same way I judge girls with cheap phones in the RW
Grace Preston's Avatar
Now now...

While I do have a basic smartphone, I do not now, nor will I ever have an Iphone. I'm just not motivated to buy something just because everyone else is. Along that vein, I also don't have a collection of designer purses or shoes.

Function over fashion. It means I'm never gonna be short on rent because I just HAD to have those shoes!!
Grace - you brain, logic, and general demeanor is the sexiest thing I've seen on this board in quite some time.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
Yeah, EL, that's pretty fuckin' hot LOL

I personally love it when someone schedules with me because they like my grey matter. But I'm not complaining with someone schedules with me because they like my killer rack either!! You don't have to be a genius to suck dick. Not that it hurts... but hey. Originally Posted by GracePreston
I don't feel like this is a derailment, but I wonder how many guys are turned on vs turned off by the smart chicks here.

(I'd also like to clarify that spelling/grammar is no measure of intelligence. There are plenty of otherwise brilliant people who can't write for shit LOL)
Raquel de Milo's Avatar
If I don't take the time to put effort into my ads and website, I'm SOL.
I can either be plain and simple which is still effective or I can get creative.
It's not always easy bringing creativity to the oldest profession, but when I do it is
really nice to hear someone say "I don't ever see gals this young, but when I read that ad I knew I had to meet this lady" or "That ad really intrigued me, I had to schedule asap"
The effort is worth it.