ANOTHER special session on the horizon?

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The State Comptroller says it costs $37,500 PER DAY to keep the Legislature in session after the end of the regular session.

That's probably a "conservative" estimate (truth be told, Susan Combs is a 6-foot-plus leggy woman who was hot shit when she first got into the biz and I'd give her $150 for a half-hour), when you consider the staff members, support services and general overtime costs of having 181 utter pains in the ass staying in Austin for the summer.

So when you factor in all the "free" lunches, hotel rooms, hookers, RMTs and Methodist preachers, you're probably talking more like $50,000 a day.


After the full session of the Legislature, our elected officials properly fucked up:

Congressional Redistricting
Budgeting the State for the next biennium.

What did they do?

Sonogram before abortion
Voter ID
Guns on campus

With a Republican SUPER MAJORITY -- meaning there are so many Repuglicans that the Democrats can't stop anything -- they couldn't get a budget passed. They couldn't get new Congressional lines drawn. They couldn't agree on terms for Windstorm Insurance (Texas has a couple of miles of coastline that get big rainstorms from time to time).

So they had a second session.

Governor Goodhair added more and more shit to it that he knew could NEVER pass. So NOTHING FUCKING PASSED again. Now, they've had trouble keeping a quorum. That means, there aren't enough Reps and Senators at work to legally pass a law. They're over it.

And our next president, "The Prophet" as he's being called, is threatening ANOTHER special session.

You want to bitch and moan about what's going on in Washington? Pay attention to what's going on here. The fucking Apocalypse (pack of lips?) is happening here and now.

Here's just a few of the stories --

Google it boys and girls. We are living in the middle of the MORASS-HOLE!

And the LEADING ASSHOLE IN OUR STATE -- Governor Rick (I like it when you stick it there) Perry -- is on the national campaign trail, spreading the gospel of small government and fuck everybody in states where he'll make George W. Bush look like the smart one.

Frankly, I'm embarrassed to be a Texan right now.
  • Booth
  • 06-25-2011, 09:16 AM
The State Comptroller says it costs $37,500 PER DAY to keep the Legislature in session after the end of the regular session.

That's probably a "conservative" estimate (truth be told, Susan Combs is a 6-foot-plus leggy woman who was hot shit when she first got into the biz and I'd give her $150 for a half-hour), when you consider the staff members, support services and general overtime costs of having 181 utter pains in the ass staying in Austin for the summer.

So when you factor in all the "free" lunches, hotel rooms, hookers, RMTs and Methodist preachers, you're probably talking more like $50,000 a day.


After the full session of the Legislature, our elected officials properly fucked up:

Congressional Redistricting
Budgeting the State for the next biennium.

What did they do?

Sonogram before abortion
Voter ID
Guns on campus

With a Republican SUPER MAJORITY -- meaning there are so many Repuglicans that the Democrats can't stop anything -- they couldn't get a budget passed. They couldn't get new Congressional lines drawn. They couldn't agree on terms for Windstorm Insurance (Texas has a couple of miles of coastline that get big rainstorms from time to time).

So they had a second session.

Governor Goodhair added more and more shit to it that he knew could NEVER pass. So NOTHING FUCKING PASSED again. Now, they've had trouble keeping a quorum. That means, there aren't enough Reps and Senators at work to legally pass a law. They're over it.

And our next president, "The Prophet" as he's being called, is threatening ANOTHER special session.

You want to bitch and moan about what's going on in Washington? Pay attention to what's going on here. The fucking Apocalypse (pack of lips?) is happening here and now.

Here's just a few of the stories --

Google it boys and girls. We are living in the middle of the MORASS-HOLE!

And the LEADING ASSHOLE IN OUR STATE -- Governor Rick (I like it when you stick it there) Perry -- is on the national campaign trail, spreading the gospel of small government and fuck everybody in states where he'll make George W. Bush look like the smart one.

Frankly, I'm embarrassed to be a Texan right now. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
We should all be embarrassed. Texas government has become the laughingstock of the nation. Even Republican Speaker of the House Joe Straus sees it that way.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Statesman ran the same story today. Makes me want to go to the airport and get groped!