The Dump the Chump poll

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Clearly the O'Biden can't possibly make it across the finish line in November. We can see the polls. Team O'Biden is getting anxious AF. Have you seen James Carvil melting down lately?!? Not to mention how he comes across to even investigators of his sordid goings on.
Robert Hur’s report stated that his investigation “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice-presidency when he was a private citizen.” Yet Hur concluded that “the evidence does not establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.” He reasoned that “at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” In Hur’s view, “it would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him—by then a former president well into his eighties—of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”
And NO, it's not the remnants of some childhood st_t_t_t_t_u_t_t_t_terrrr. Here's the latest, as of the moment he said it:
“And when I was vice president, things were kinda bad during the pandemic, and what happened was Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit and help fix it!’” Biden told attendees..
Did a catch that?!? He fixed the covid before Dr Tony "Mengele" Fauci finished paying for it to be invented.
So... when will they pull the plug?

Imma thinking it is likely one of these dates:
  • June 1st, First day of Gay Pride Month, also next week
  • Before June 27th, i.e. the first debate
  • Immediately after June 27th
  • Before September 10th, i.e. the second debate
  • Immediately after September 10th
  • August 19th-22nd, i.e. at the DNC convention and riot in Shitcago
  • Oh hell no, he'll go all the way...
Michell makes sense for June 1 or more likely at the DNC Riot and Convention to minimize exposure to exploring the "package"

Gavin Newsom, or at least just his hair, is a possibility according to him and others. Remember when they were tripping over themselves staging up the debate between him and Ron DeSantis?

What about a dark star candidate like Chris "Beluga" Christie. Lord knows he ain't much of a Republican anyways.

Besides, he's already got a spiffy aerial drone light show

Regardless, they will likely flush the dump-ster fire that is the O'Biden, but when?
Ripmany's Avatar

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Yssup Rider's Avatar
I voted for at the Convention.

Enough delegates will abstain or simply vote for someone else on the first ballot. If Biden does not garner the required votes, it becomes an open convention.

In come Gavin with the slogan,…..”I will do for America what I have done to California”.
... Nope - Biden aint leavin' - they're STUCK with him.
Unless they make Kamala the next President.

First off - Joe DON'T WANNA leave.
And secondly - NO WAY can they replace Joe with another white-skinned
smiling hetero-sexual fellow, because all the DEI people will be
blue as a Paris monkey and thus tumble all arse-over-tit about it.

They CAN'T replace Joe unless it's with a gay lesbian woman who
may or may not have black skin.
And Barrack OBama already had his two terms...

... Sorry to break the bad news, mates - but JOE is the candidate.

#### Salty
I voted for at the Convention.

Enough delegates will abstain or simply vote for someone else on the first ballot. If Biden does not garner the required votes, it becomes an open convention.

In come Gavin with the slogan,…..”I will do for America what I have done to California”. Originally Posted by Jackie S

I was a little surprised by the June Presidential debate, but I think that will be the cover for actually nominating someone else at the Democrat convention.
I've heard June 13th Biden steps down. The new shadow candidate will be announced at the Democrat National convention. Rumor has it it will be Gavin Newsom. It's all a shit show for sure.
I've heard June 13th Biden steps down. The new shadow candidate will be announced at the Democrat National convention. Rumor has it it will be Gavin Newsom. It's all a shit show for sure. Originally Posted by Levianon17
... What do you mean "Biden steps down"?? ... That he resigns
from the presidency and Kamala takes over? Or that Joe just
declares that he's NOT running for a second term??

... I believe it's ALL just wistful thinking.
I believe they are stuck with Joe... However, Trump surely
agrees with your view - that Joe WON'T be their candidate.

... We'll just need to wait and see what happens.

#### Salty
... What do you mean "Biden steps down"?? ... That he resigns
from the presidency and Kamala takes over? Or that Joe just
declares that he's NOT running for a second term??

... I believe it's ALL just wistful thinking.
I believe they are stuck with Joe... However, Trump surely
agrees with your view - that Joe WON'T be their candidate.

... We'll just need to wait and see what happens.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
They know Joe Biden can't win again. Not only that the DNC knows they can't pull off another scam with out being caught. So Biden will give some sort of lame excuse why he is stepping down. They need someone to market who they think can beat Trump, they think Newsom is that person. If it turns out Biden stays in he'll lose. If Trump gets in again he better start putting some of these assholes in jail on both sides of the aisle. Our Government is full of Criminals.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
A spot of background music for your perusing pleasures.

I suspect they will wait for the Shitcago Shit-Show and Riot to try to install the Mochell, aka OBama 4.0. She'll say something akin to: she don't wanna do it, but it's her country calling and begging her to do it. Yadda-yadda

If not, then Gavin Newsom or maybe just his hair.

... Lemme also point out that BOTH The Clintons and OBama are each
having fund-raisers for Joe Biden coming in June.

... So much for Joe being replaced...

... Now the first one, I believe, is the OBama one in California
- partnered with George Clooney - and that is no doubt because
OBama cannot draw a crowd on his own...
Hmmmmm... California... Will Gavin Newsom be there???

... The second one is the one being held by Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Not sure me-self WHERE it's being held - maybe in the nursery
where Bill Clinton spends his time these days...
Or could be held in DC or Virginia.

... So you mates can't vote for Joe Biden to be OUT of the running
for the Dem's candidate - YET.

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
... Lemme also point out that BOTH The Clintons and OBama are each
having fund-raisers for Joe Biden coming in June.

... So much for Joe being replaced...

... Now the first one, I believe, is the OBama one in California
- partnered with George Clooney - and that is no doubt because
OBama cannot draw a crowd on his own...
Hmmmmm... California... Will Gavin Newsom be there???

... The second one is the one being held by Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Not sure me-self WHERE it's being held - maybe in the nursery
where Bill Clinton spends his time these days...
Or could be held in DC or Virginia.

... So you mates can't vote for Joe Biden to be OUT of the running
for the Dem's candidate - YET.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Get rid of Trump and it’s much more likely that Biden goes with him.
eyecu2's Avatar
Biden will be the Dem nominee.. period
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I see where Trump received some (I won't say boos, as that seems to be a thread killer these days), let's uhhmmm say 'vociferous disapproval'. (yeah, that's the ticket), from the crowd at the Libertarian convention recently. However their party chair had a bigger picture perspective:

Libertarian Party Chair Angela McArdle (left above):
“Everyone is understandably flipping out right now. I will have more to say this weekend,” said McArdle.

“For now, I will say that I delivered an incredible convention, with the help of my amazing staff and volunteers. All of my critics were WRONG. I made the right call to invite Donald Trump and if libertarians can behave themselves, he will free Ross Ulbricht and put one of us in his cabinet. Ball’s in your court, libertarians. We are getting in that administration,” she said.
Trump pointed out, rightfully so, either they could support him or continue to receive their typical 3%+/-. Remains uncertain whether the Demonicrat convention perceives those votes as subtracting from the O'Biden - but they certainly have to consider that as they pull the plug on him.

So's I axe ya: What sort of 'vociferous disapproval' does ya think the O'Biden might receive from speaking at an NRA convention and would it measure below a 5.4 on the Richter scale?!?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't reckon he'll be going to that. Like any smart politician.

What Trump did was to make the Libertarian convention about him.

Typical asshole move.

And the MAGAs ate it up.

Biden will be the nominee. Biden will be the next president. Trumpism will wither and die from its own ignorance.