
i recently had a negative experience with a well-reviewed provider. now, im not some troll account or a constantly negative person, but my last couple reviews have been no's. and the person i want to write a review on, has no negative reviews on her profile. i feel like if i write the review, theres going to be backlash with people attacking my veracity using the last couple negative reviews as some kind of proof that i am stirring the pot or am overly critical. i dont want to get into a fit with some white knights, but obviously there are a couple on this site, and they make no issue being white and knight. along with that, i know that if i write the review, the provider will know exactly who it is, and my handle will need to change. the anonymity that users of this site expect and depend on, will, in a small way, be diminished.

any advice?

tl;dr: i want to write a negative review, but i dont feel like my anonymity will be safe with the provider, nor my truthyness with the board. wat do?
Highwayman64's Avatar
IMHO...Reviews should be posted honestly of the experience shared, good or bad. Even the best providers can have a bad day, it happens and they should be prepared to take criticism. Any attempts of outing on this site will not be tolerated;

#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.

FWIW I hope this helps....
Write it....Some guys are afraid to give bad reviews for fear of backlash.
Maybe she had a bad day....It happens.
Maybe that NO recommendation will stop bad days from happening again..
Reviews are here to help us from dropping our hard earned cash on bad providers...
ben dover's Avatar
Write the review, if anyone breaks your chops..put them on ignore. If the girl has other good reviews a no wont bother her, if she has other nos then maybe she needs to look at what she's doing wrong.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
do it, I'm bored and some good drama will be a good read
lilylivered's Avatar
Sometimes a no will drive business her way. Usually someone will do an opposite review immediately to counteract you. Do it
Steve_NYS's Avatar
I agree with everything written so far. The only thing I'd add is to avoid personal attacks. If you stick to the facts, it'll be harder for people to come down on you.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I agree with everything written so far. The only thing I'd add is to avoid personal attacks. If you stick to the facts, it'll be harder for people to come down on you. Originally Posted by Steve_NYS
shhhhhhhhhh true. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUt not as entertaining

so op please make them come a running
Write the review, be honest about your experience. A lady that once was great may be going downhill for a variety of reasons.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Can't tell you whether to write the review or not. I definitely wouldn't write a positive review if it was a negative experience. But your last four reviews were No so this would be five No reviews in a row and you need to realize that many VPs will no longer want to see you if you have only written negative reviews over the last several years. Not only will they fear that you will give them a negative review, but generally speaking men who are overly negative on the board are just not fun to spend time with.
As long as the review is well written and in good taste (no obvious bashing, guidelines followed, etc), then write it up.

There are many ways to write a review that doesn't sound like a total slam job. Example, say she is a smoker and you don't smoke. Generally speaking a non-smoker can smell it a mile away no matter how much she tries to cover it. Writing "I could smell smoke but I am a non-smoker so it bothered me more then most" is better then "She reeked of smoke". Writing "I placed the donation on the table and she made sure it was right" is better then "She didn't wait more then 5 seconds to count the donation like she didn't trust me". Writing "I gave a no because of all the good reviews she had, I guess I was just a bit underwhelmed and expected an amazing time and it was just OK in my eyes" is better then "How this chick could charge X is beyond me, her service sucked". Don't let other reviews cloud YOUR review. Too many here IMO give yes reviews because of the exact reason you are reluctant to write one in the first place; fear of being slammed or being taken to task by the WKs.
KaylaRyder's Avatar
As long as the review is well written and in good taste (no obvious bashing, guidelines followed, etc), then write it up.

There are many ways to write a review that doesn't sound like a total slam job. Example, say she is a smoker and you don't smoke. Generally speaking a non-smoker can smell it a mile away no matter how much she tries to cover it. Writing "I could smell smoke but I am a non-smoker so it bothered me more then most" is better then "She reeked of smoke". Writing "I placed the donation on the table and she made sure it was right" is better then "She didn't wait more then 5 seconds to count the donation like she didn't trust me". Writing "I gave a no because of all the good reviews she had, I guess I was just a bit underwhelmed and expected an amazing time and it was just OK in my eyes" is better then "How this chick could charge X is beyond me, her service sucked". Don't let other reviews cloud YOUR review. Too many here IMO give yes reviews because of the exact reason you are reluctant to write one in the first place; fear of being slammed or being taken to task by the WKs. Originally Posted by coffeedrinker
Great advice hun!! Your very good with words!! Very respectful yet still got the point across.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The reality that this thread even exists is a stain on the hook game, and I mean this as no condemnation of the original post. What this fellow said is reasonable given an atmosphere where hooks and male lesbians call the shots.

Write the review. No reviews are far more valuable than yes reviews.

If one of the other hookers won't book with you because you write no reviews simply pretend to be someone else when renting time. I do this all the time and have not once had it fail.

Treat the board as an opportunity to entertain and to, in turn, be entertained yourself. You'll find that the contrary people who are easily enraged are all kinds of fun to taunt and to trigger.

God bless you for writing no reviews and always keep in mind that people who attack you for posting the truth are made less by it themselves.

The only hook that I actually want to bang out that I haven't already had my way with on this board is the hook Chloe, who sure looks like she has a wonderful physique.

The entitled big-mouth hooks and the male lesbians are doing it to themselves.

Thank you.