Ci ci &lena

Long piping chicks's Avatar
Just saw an add on skip the games that ci ci is doing the snatch&take your cash and run smh she’s getting worse,stay away guys .&lena on Indy’s &her friends r robbing guys with instruments of crime these whores are getting worse watch your backs
Dr-epg's Avatar
Thanks Dude, TOS has several warnings as well.
Chickie's Avatar
Thanks for the warning.
Again, I have had no problem with CiCi
Long piping chicks's Avatar
B careful of these 2 ladies ci ci is snatching &running with men’s cash she is bad news fellas it’s a add on skip the games saying so.&lena with friends is using instruments of crime to rob men ,check out about it in the discussin den in Indy’s,these hoes done gone crazy