See Women

jjchmiel78's Avatar

Your chosen profession should be as respected as a Doctor or a Psychologist.
It gets even better.

I noticed the other day on my tax software that I can deduct my "hobby expenses".

Who knew?
jjchmiel78's Avatar
tough part is getting receipts for that.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Maybe they could start giving out punch cards, like Jimmy Johns. Your 10th is free!
Maybe they could start giving out punch cards, like Jimmy Johns. Your 10th is free! Originally Posted by newyorkboy
I tried to get a discount once for my 10th visit once with a provider but all I got was "I've went up on my rates!"
Needless to say the 10th never happened.
Bigh1955's Avatar
I guess sex must be good for guys too or we wouldn't have a hobby, right? I didn't get serious about hobbying until I was 47...Damn, I could be so much healthier!

Check out the related fav with the SO is the "caboose." I get to fantasize too! LOL
Maybe they could start giving out punch cards, like Jimmy Johns. Your 10th is free! Originally Posted by newyorkboy

OK, we'll stop giving discounts to our regulars in lieu of the punch card.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Just suggesting a different approach for it, that's all! Think of it as an incentive gimmick...... \

OK, we'll stop giving discounts to our regulars in lieu of the punch card. Originally Posted by MsElena
No more grandfathering old rates either.

Sweet, thanks for the ideas. You're actually going to lose more money now than before your suggestion. I'll get the punch cards printed up next week.

Thank you NYB.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Always happy to assist in a business matter, my dear!
The guys are gonna LOVE you now.
