Lets start the big voter fraud thread here.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Colorado: County recorder refuses to obey the law (she says it is a matter of interpretation) and allow monitors to access the counting of early ballots.


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Virginia: I guess you could say that the voting machines are not calibrated.

It'll be a short thread other than you and the rest of the clown posse quacking about imaginary voter fraud that exists no place except your pea-sized brains.
Can't say it is fraud; but kinda looks like it..............why do these things always seem to happen in favor of Democrats ???

Greg Abbott may not on the ballot on at least one precinct's balloting machines in Bexar County, Breitbart Texas has learned. Lt. Governor Candidate David Dewhurst appears to have been listed on the ballot in place of Abbott at one polling location
TheDaliLama's Avatar
imaginary voter fraud???

Timmy....you're like a guy who says he's never jacked off.
It'll be a short thread other than you and the rest of the clown posse quacking about imaginary voter fraud that exists no place except your pea-sized brains. Originally Posted by timpage
Except that there are dozens of examples every cycle, and it's almost always votes for Democrats. There was just a study done on how non-citizens (illegal immigrants) cast about 1% of the votes in a lot of elections and caused the deciding vote on Obamacare. Al Franken (who was down on election day in 2008 but miraculously took the lead after the recount), who was the deciding vote on Obamacare and got the Dems to 60 votes, won by like 500 votes and cast the deciding vote on the ACA. There's literally voter fraud in every election. There was another study ( I can give you links if you want) showing that Democrats incredibly win 75% of all close statewide and national elections in the last 16 years. The chances of one side winning that many elections that are within 2% is like 15%. In other words, it's not really statistically possible, yet the Democrats seem to win just about every close race. When you consider ACORN shenanigans, and dead people voting, and the house in Cleveland in 2008 where at least 10 people from out of state claimed as an address to vote in that election, and poll workers convicted of voter fraud after admitting to voting 3 or 4 times in one election, and 100% turnout in precincts in Philadelphia, and boxes of "found ballots", illegal immigrant voting, and the blocking of needing IDs to vote, and everything the OP has linked to, and boxes of "found ballots" from an Indian Reservation in 2002 SD Senate Race, etc, etc, etc, all it takes is 1% voter fraud here and there to affect multiple close races.

Look up the voter fraud in the 2002 South Dakota Senate Race and Oregon Governor's race (I think it was 2000), and the improbable Minnesota miracle come from behind Al Franken victory in 2008.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-04-2014, 01:58 PM
Cry babies crying!

What's new?

gfejunkie's Avatar
Cry babies crying!

What's new?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Cheating isn't winning. It's just cheating.
lustylad's Avatar
There's literally voter fraud in every election. There was another study (I can give you links if you want...) Originally Posted by brundlefly
Don't bother. I gave timmytard a few links in our last thread about voter fraud. When faced with facts and detailed studies and irrefutable evidence, he just shuts up... until the next thread. Then he pops back up again and calls it an "imaginary" problem all over again...
Here is a Rep serving 4 months for 280 counts of voter fraud.
lustylad's Avatar
Here is a Rep serving 4 months for 280 counts of voter fraud.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/0...n_3728456.html Originally Posted by slingblade

Throw the book at him, slinkman. No one here will defend him. Btw, it was a GOP primary so if he had gotten away with it, the victim would have been another Republican.
Don't bother. I gave timmytard a few links in our last thread about voter fraud. When faced with facts and detailed studies and irrefutable evidence, he just shuts up... until the next thread. Then he pops back up again and calls it an "imaginary" problem all over again... Originally Posted by lustylad
Fuck you and your links.






I could go on and on and on and on moron. But, would it make a difference?

This article about sums it up....in 2005, criminal prosecutions for migratory bird violations were more numerous than voter fraud charges. You're an idiot....just like the rest of the lemming-like half-wit right wing whackos that populate this board.

Voter Fraud Is Rare, but Myth Is Widespread

JUNE 10, 2014

Brendan Nyhan

Is vote fraud common in American politics? Not according to United States District Judge Lynn Adelman, who examined the evidence from Wisconsin and ruled in late April that “virtually no voter impersonation occurs” in the state and that “no evidence suggests that voter-impersonation fraud will become a problem at any time in the foreseeable future.”
Strikingly, however, a Marquette Law School poll conducted in Wisconsin just a few weeks later showed that many voters there believed voter impersonation and other kinds of vote fraud were widespread — the likely result of a yearslong campaign by conservative groups to raise concerns about the practice. Thirty-nine percent of Wisconsin voters believe that vote fraud affects a few thousand votes or more each election. One in five believe that this level of fraud exists for each of the three types of fraud that individuals could commit: in-person voter impersonation, submitting absentee ballots in someone else’s name, and voting by people who are not citizens or Wisconsin residents.

Belief in voter impersonation is strongest among Republicans, echoing claims made by elites in their party. Thirty-six percent of Republicans think voter impersonation affects a few thousand or more votes, compared with 20 percent of independents and just 7 percent of Democrats.

By contrast, beliefs about the prevalence of fraud by election officials show far less of a partisan skew, with 16 percent of Republicans, 21 percent of independents and 14 percent of Democrats (and 17 percent of Wisconsin voters over all) thinking that this affects a few thousand votes or more each election.

It’s important to be clear that there is no evidence of vote fraud at these levels. Judge Adelman’s conclusion in the Wisconsin case echoes previous findings that voter fraud is exceptionally rare across the country. The New York Times reported in 2007, for instance, that a five-year investigation by the Bush administration “turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections.” Even after this intensive search, the Rutgers political scientist Lorraine Minnite showed in her book “The Myth of Voter Fraud” that prosecutions for migratory bird law violations were still far more common than election fraud during the 2005 fiscal year.

As my Dartmouth colleague Kyle Dropp pointed out, these findings are noteworthy because previous polls have typically asked about whether voter fraud is a major problem, minor problem or not a problem — wording that blurs the distinction between people’s objections to the practice and their beliefs about its prevalence. (Fox asked how likely “widespread voter fraud” would be before the 2008 election, but even that question left the exact prevalence of the practice undefined.)

At this point, though, we can safely classify widespread voter fraud as a misperception — and one that is far more prevalent than the practice itself.
Can't say it is fraud; but kinda looks like it..............why do these things always seem to happen in favor of Democrats ???

Greg Abbott may not on the ballot on at least one precinct's balloting machines in Bexar County, Breitbart Texas has learned. Lt. Governor Candidate David Dewhurst appears to have been listed on the ballot in place of Abbott at one polling location
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What are you worried about? Dewhurst would beat her too.
boardman's Avatar
There was just a study done on how non-citizens (illegal immigrants) cast about 1% of the votes in a lot of elections and caused the deciding vote on Obamacare. Originally Posted by brundlefly
What does that even mean?
I don't recall Obamacare being on any ballots...
Sure wish it would have been.
Can't say it is fraud; but kinda looks like it..............why do these things always seem to happen in favor of Democrats ???

Greg Abbott may not on the ballot on at least one precinct's balloting machines in Bexar County, Breitbart Texas has learned. Lt. Governor Candidate David Dewhurst appears to have been listed on the ballot in place of Abbott at one polling location
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yeah, and a good thing you didn't....it's photoshopped. What a surprise....the GOP perpetrating a fraud about voter fraud.
