Black is King

Just a reminder of who is in charge these days.

It takes me back to the old Monty Python song about Robin Hood type guy Dennis Moore, who stole so much from the rich and gave to the poor that he eventually impoverished the rich, but since in everyone's mind the rich still held all the advantages, he stole from them anyway, but ironically was giving the money to the rich, which he stole from the poor.

The lyrics went something like:

Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore
Riding through the land
Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore
Without a merry band
He steals from the poor
And gives to the rich
Stupid bitch

If a music video called "White is King" came out, the artist would be killed for racism.

"Beyoncé's highly anticipated new project, Black Is King has arrived (on Disney+). Deemed "a celebratory memoir for the world on the Black experience" in a press release, Black Is King includes a cast of notable and familiar faces, such Lupita Nyong'o, Kelly Rowland, Pharrell Williams and JAY-Z, and moves across the world — New York, Los Angeles, South Africa, West Africa, London and Belgium — to capture the performances of actors and dancers as they appear in varied tableaus.

On Instagram, Beyoncé shared that the film is meant to "celebrate the breadth and beauty of Black ancestry," and acknowledged that its release takes on new significance in the current climate."

Everybody unironically and dutifully praises this black supremicism set to music, and the little whiteboy cuckolds keep sucking that cock.
Ironically enough, black people should be sucking the white liberals dicks for keeping the OBLM scam going...
Gotyour6's Avatar
Black people are still slaves to the democrats

This is nothing new

Been going on for a long time. Liberals just learned how to use them as a pawn

BLM org is funneling money to the dems. Not one nickel goes towards college, any schooling or poor neighborhoods.

I find it rather amusing.

More white people are destroying shit in the name of BLM because they are getting paid to do so.

Black people are looting and burning down their own shit.
Like punching a wall in your house lol

Keep going. It shows how week and uneducated they are.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Black people are still slaves to the democrats

This is nothing new

Been going on for a long time. Liberals just learned how to use them as a pawn

BLM org is funneling money to the dems. Not one nickel goes towards college, any schooling or poor neighborhoods.

I find it rather amusing.

More white people are destroying shit in the name of BLM because they are getting paid to do so.

Black people are looting and burning down their own shit.
Like punching a wall in your house lol

Keep going. It shows how week and uneducated they are. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
People of color are slaves to their own well being. We have been trained like dogs not to put up a fight. The system needs to change.

  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2020, 06:54 PM
Rioting, looting, arson, murder - all is just 'hannah =Jones non-violence.

It is Racist Violence on the part of OBLM.

YSL memes are White Racism - 9500- and offensive!!!
uilizing gay white designers is offensive to LGBTQ minorities.

we may wind up with a violent clash of OBLM and LGBTQ - because of Liberal racism!!!
People of color are slaves to their own well being. We have been trained like dogs not to put up a fight. The system needs to change.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Asians in the US have overcome poverty and language barriers to become richer and more educated than whites.

What's the excuse there?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
They stayed quiet. Building America's nervous system. As long as the opium pipeline was not interupted.

China would've taken control . . .

a lot longer if they weren't doped up.
They stayed quiet. Building America's nervous system. As long as the opium pipeline was not interupted.

China would've taken control . . .

a lot longer if they weren't doped up. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Are you referring to legal pharmaceutical opiate manufacturing such as OxyContin?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
No. Just opiates.
smokedog01's Avatar
People of color are slaves to their own well being. We have been trained like dogs not to put up a fight. The system needs to change. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

That is abject horseshit. Putting up a fight is why cops hard charge. It sucks to have to bite your tongue around dickhead cops but it is pragmatic. Ive been there. Running your mouth is one thing. Physically resisting is a whole different ballgame. If you try to fight a cop you get what you get regardless of color. My favorite clips from LivePD are old white bitches that refuse get out of their car when directed. Seeing that grandmother get hip tossed to asphalt is her just desserts.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
People of color are slaves to their own well being. We have been trained like dogs not to put up a fight. The system needs to change.

Racist. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

blacks need to change. and to do so they (YOU) must admit slavery is the fault of African tribal wars (70%) and forgive yourselves for your cruelty to your own race.

can you do that??
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That is abject horseshit. Putting up a fight is why cops hard charge. It sucks to have to bite your tongue around dickhead cops but it is pragmatic. Ive been there. Running your mouth is one thing. Physically resisting is a whole different ballgame. If you try to fight a cop you get what you get regardless of color. My favorite clips from LivePD are old white bitches that refuse get out of their car when directed. Seeing that grandmother get hip tossed to asphalt is her just desserts. Originally Posted by smokedog01

bahhaaaa probably the only time we'll ever agree.

why here is me posting that very video MONTHS ago to show that BLM is bullshit. you fuck with cops and you pay the price no matter what color you are. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
smokedog01's Avatar
blacks need to change. and to do so they (YOU) must admit slavery is the fault of African tribal wars (70%) and forgive yourselves for your cruelty to your own race.

can you do that?? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

The guy with Trump's dick in his mouth is suddenly a cultural anthropologist. Go to bed, gramps.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
That is abject horseshit. Putting up a fight is why cops hard charge. It sucks to have to bite your tongue around dickhead cops but it is pragmatic. Ive been there. Running your mouth is one thing. Physically resisting is a whole different ballgame. If you try to fight a cop you get what you get regardless of color. My favorite clips from LivePD are old white bitches that refuse get out of their car when directed. Seeing that grandmother get hip tossed to asphalt is her just desserts. Originally Posted by smokedog01
Dog. Putting up a fight is what the authorities look for in maintaining control. If "you" keep control and assert your rights, then there should never be a dispute as to the next step. Leave it to the judge to determine the right course of action.

But instead the field officers feel the need to take command and control of the situation, instead of leaving the situation as it is, and let the judge judge the merits of the law.

With that, the field officers of the law abscond and never let it get to the ultimate adjudicator of said decision.

Field officers should never be left to become the judge, jury AND executioner of the law. Therefore, being pragmatic lends itself to continued abuse of power. Sir. I've been there as well.

blacks need to change. and to do so they (YOU) must admit slavery is the fault of African tribal wars (70%) and forgive yourselves for your cruelty to your own race.

can you do that?? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You're a racist. Unless you can accept the fact that this country was set up so that we would have a permanent class of slaves, you will never be enlightened to human (yes, human possibilities) excellence. In various forms.

Suck it.

smokedog01's Avatar
Dog. Putting up a fight is what the authorities look for in maintaining control. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

You are 100% right. Thats what I was saying.I have been baited. It sucks that you have to eat shit for a dickhead cop but if that's what it takes to drive away at the end I will do it. As a white guy I am not worried about getting shot. I just dont want to have to deal with a bullshit arrest that will eventually get dismissed and all of its ramifications. So I say 'yes sir" and "no sir" and go home angry.

Having said that, it only applies to bad cops. I am by no means an ACAB guy. Most cops are godamn heroes.