Law suits, Bankruptsy and The Boy Scouts

ICU 812's Avatar
This has been kicking around i my head for a while. What do I have wrong here? I admit to not being woke.

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Boy Scouts Bankrupt

My boyhood experience in The Boy Scouts (BSA) in the 1960s was a positive influence on my adult life. Sure, I learned how to tie knots and build a tower out of logs along with all that other stuff, but I also learned that just agreeing to do something was to make a promissory commitment merely by speaking it; to be "Trustworthy". I learned to plan ahead for the expected and the unforeseen; to "Be Prepared". I learned the importance of being clean in body and mind. Some thirty years later, our son had a similar experience, eventually becoming an Eagle Scout. Both of us can name adult leaders who were influential in our development from childhood through adolescence and into adult hood, mentored by their direct instruction and by the example of their lives at work and at home.

Somewhere along the way though, the liberal agenda for subverting all that is good in our society took hold in the national organization. There was a strong push for the National BSA organization to allow gay boys to be accepted in local troops. Another parallel push came to allow gay adults to be leaders at every level. While resisted by many local troops, both did become the official national policies.

Then in 2019, it was suddenly announced that BSA would file for bankruptcy. Why? Because of the financial burden of law suits over child abuse; the sexual; exploitation of underage boys and girls by pedophile adults, mostly men.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This has been kicking around i my head for a while. What do I have wrong here? I admit to not being woke.

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Boy Scouts Bankrupt

My boyhood experience in The Boy Scouts (BSA) in the 1960s was a positive influence on my adult life. Sure, I learned how to tie knots and build a tower out of logs along with all that other stuff, but I also learned that just agreeing to do something was to make a promissory commitment merely by speaking it; to be "Trustworthy". I learned to plan ahead for the expected and the unforeseen; to "Be Prepared". I learned the importance of being clean in body and mind. Some thirty years later, our son had a similar experience, eventually becoming an Eagle Scout. Both of us can name adult leaders who were influential in our development from childhood through adolescence and into adult hood, mentored by their direct instruction and by the example of their lives at work and at home.

Somewhere along the way though, the liberal agenda for subverting all that is good in our society took hold in the national organization. There was a strong push for the National BSA organization to allow gay boys to be accepted in local troops. Another parallel push came to allow gay adults to be leaders at every level. While resisted by many local troops, both did become the official national policies.

Then in 2019, it was suddenly announced that BSA would file for bankruptcy. Why? Because of the financial burden of law suits over child abuse; the sexual; exploitation of underage boys and girls by pedophile adults, mostly men.

Well now. . .DIDN'T ANYONE SEE THIS COMING? Originally Posted by ICU 812
this started in the 1990's when BSA started loosing the founder's way and mission.

it was not rocket science.

however, some of the charges took place before the change in policy toward gays. they should have cracked down on the pedo scout master abusers, but they ignored it.

BSA going bankrupt. they're doing that to protect their money.

BSA is going thru what the Roman Catholic Church is going thru with their pedo priests.
matchingmole's Avatar
GOP also....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
GOP also.... Originally Posted by matchingmole

which one did you service?