oh where oh where have they gone? where are the west plano BLM wokesters?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
where did they go? they were spewing their wokester racist horse shit at Preston Rd and Park blvd intersection. as i drove through my wonderful tony suburb of west plano i would see these wokester fucktards .. radical black racists .. white ashamed to be white wokesters and various assorted punks, degenerates and unemployed assholes.

now they are gone. have been for over a week. have they abandoned their cause? was their cause wrong? unworthy? did they all take a bus to Portland to support their antifa faggot worms?

where did they go?

  • oeb11
  • 08-04-2020, 09:17 AM
Back to Portland Oregon to their basements to plan more riots and looting.

They knew not to get out of line in texas - jail cells awaited them.