The MAGAdonia Thread

HDGristle's Avatar
All MAGAdonians are welcome.

Please discuss anything and everything MAGA here, from your love of the God Emperor to your MAGAdonian heritage to how many Trump NFT's you've collected... an more.
🤣 can we also discuss how it's the most pathetic cult in human history (Jonestown very much included)?
HDGristle's Avatar
So, not quite "anything and everything MAGA" here. Oh well. Not the first time I've been duped by false advertising.
HDGristle's Avatar
You know that "Anything and Every MAGA" means one-sided positivity.

This is a MAGAdonian safe space.
ThE leFTiSTs aRE tRYing to ForCe tRANsgeDNER coCKs dOwn oUR tHRoaTs iN WoMEns BathrOOMs, mAKe tRaNSgendRS rULe wOMen'S sPORts, And iMpoRT A hUNdrEd MiLLion iLLegAls so THAt ThEY cAn rIG tHe EleCtion wiTH PAper Mache POst cARd bAlloTS!!! ThaTs wHY wE NeEd tO vOTE MAGA iN 2024 anD geT rID of SeNILe cHE BiDeN MarX!!!! aLL hAIL sUpREmE LeaDer, tHE mOSt inTeLLigeNT, Good LOOkinG, aND maNLy DONALD J TrUMP!!!!!!!
biomed1's Avatar
Of the Following . . .
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
ThE leFTiSTs aRE tRYing to ForCe tRANsgeDNER coCKs dOwn oUR tHRoaTs iN WoMEns BathrOOMs, mAKe tRaNSgendRS rULe wOMen'S sPORts, And iMpoRT A hUNdrEd MiLLion iLLegAls so THAt ThEY cAn rIG tHe EleCtion wiTH PAper Mache POst cARd bAlloTS!!! ThaTs wHY wE NeEd tO vOTE MAGA iN 2024 anD geT rID of SeNILe cHE BiDeN MarX!!!! aLL hAIL sUpREmE LeaDer, tHE mOSt inTeLLigeNT, Good LOOkinG, aND maNLy DONALD J TrUMP!!!!!!! Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
I think the cap-lock button on your keyboard is fucked up.