
  • cajun
  • 09-17-2010, 11:42 PM
I'm not sure what's up but a few times today as I signed onto ECCIE my computer would completely shut down my browser and this evening when I GOOGLED ECCIE a WARNING screen came up and it would not forward me. I manually typed in the address and got here. Don't have this problem with any other websites and I visit about 15 regularly, from news and sports to local classified and sportsman related blogs. Just got my feelers out looking for BUGS. Please chime in!
I saw somethng on the main board about a virus called The owner(s) are working on the problem. Hang in there!
Yes this thing is a pesky mother fucker and it's pissing me off. Sorry it's inconvenienced everyone and done it's best to interrupt the fun. We're on it, and hopefully soon all traces of it will be gone.
Got the same thing yesterday. Every time I would open eccie my AVG antivirus would block blubooze as a threat. Not there today.
Same here. Went on and found out what was going on. Seems to be alright today, though.

Crossed fingers