Table shower

Any places that offer table showers in town? I'm up there once a month yet to encounter any.
What town? Asian Tunia on the hill in CF has them, Moon River on 1st in CF has them (the rest of their offerings are... spotty), Lotus Spa in Waterloo has them (best bet of the ones I have mentioned).

I am unable to comment on any other ones in the state for sure. Fit Body in waterloo supposedly does, but I have never managed to get one there.

There are 14 locations listed as having a table shower and reviews -- 4 of them are in CF/Waterloo, and 1 is Fit Body....

Best of luck, and if you strike gold, please let us know.
Des Moines, and thank you+
I've never heard of any in des moines that has a table shower. Only place I know of is lotus in waterloo and last few times I went there the girls were old and fat and the service wasn't very good
I think the one in pleasant hill by hyvee had one
Bamboo used to have a table shower, and there was at least one more in DM that had one(maybe red rose?). I haven’t tried random AMPs in a while. I’m not sure if this is still a thing, but rubmaps used to indicate if a place had a table shower.
The place in Ankeny off 1st and Delaware had a table shower back in the day but not sure if it's still around
The place in Ankeny off 1st and Delaware had a table shower back in the day but not sure if it's still around Originally Posted by bustaj
That is one of the ones that got busted so it's gone. But then all charges were dropped because they kept saying they had recordings of her offering and when push came to shove they could not produce the recordings. what they did produce was like the guy TELLING them he will pay money for more or something like that They were probably assuming she would plea it down and they would never have to hand over discovery.

Other interesting part of that is they busted it only a week or two before it was closing for good and moving anyway. Something very fishy about all that.
I noticed the tailor in the same strip closed almost right after that as well.

I've wondered how closely connected a lot of these asian tailor, nail, and massage places are, that tailor closing seemed too coincidental to me. And very often if you see a massage place you'll see a nail place right near it, so I've assumed they're under similar ownership
I think it's interesting that if you go to one of these places and the only girl is with another client, they can call and have someone stop by in a few minutes or less. Either they live nearby (which is weird, since many of them seem to live at the parlor), or they have a second day job nearby, like a nail salon, and they send girls where they are needed.

It's also worth noting that the clients are usually pretty different between an AMP and a nail salon, so few people would ever notice the overlap in staff....
Ah. Makes sense. I hate Ankeny so I don't venture there much

That is one of the ones that got busted so it's gone. But then all charges were dropped because they kept saying they had recordings of her offering and when push came to shove they could not produce the recordings. what they did produce was like the guy TELLING them he will pay money for more or something like that They were probably assuming she would plea it down and they would never have to hand over discovery.

Other interesting part of that is they busted it only a week or two before it was closing for good and moving anyway. Something very fishy about all that. Originally Posted by SinOrSwim
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