Trump Pro:
Pro American, will fight for what he believes (whatever that is at the moment),
follows the law to benefit himself
Trump Cons:
exaggerates too much
lies on some issues
seems too hyper on some issues (OCD & aspergers)
anti-illegal immigration
better trade deals
for term limits
hillary pro:
experienced politician
foreign policy experience
First Lady
hillary con:
lies too much
pro TTPP
foreign policy a disaster (arab spring which led to the Syrian & Libyan war)
her foundation is corrupt (pay to play deals)
too interventionist
hillary care failure (the forerunner of obamacare)
turn this country into a socialist hell hole
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
made a mistake with Trump pro/con
here's the corrected & updated version.
Trump Pro:
Pro American, will fight for what he believes (whatever that is at the moment),
follows the law to benefit himself
anti-illegal immigration
better trade deals
for term limits
successful business man
beautiful wife
Trump Cons:
exaggerates too much
lies on some issues
seems too hyper on some issues (OCD & aspergers)
no political experience
hillary pro:
experienced politician
foreign policy experience
First Lady
hillary con:
lies too much
pro TTPP
foreign policy a disaster (arab spring which led to the Syrian & Libyan war)
her foundation is corrupt (pay to play deals)
too interventionist
hillary care failure (the forerunner of obamacare)
turn this country into a socialist hell hole
Bill Clinton