diamond girls

MistyMtns's Avatar
Anyone have 411 on Crystal at Diamond?
I remember seeing a review on ASPD and it was not good...don't remember specifics but recommendation was NO!
Crystal has the reputation of taking the money and running. This is unusual for a Diamond Girl but since the ladies are independent contractors the agency can not always control what happens behind closed doors. From what I can tell Crystal is no longer working for Diamond even though she is still listed as an active provider.
I hope no one jumps all over me for this, but here it goes.....

I am genuinely curious as to why some guys would rather see girls with an agency as opposed to the independents. Don't you sometimes wonder why a girl needs to work for an agency that would take half of her earnings? I'm sure there's a good reason, I just really want to know--have wondered about this for a long time.
its easier to get started with an agency. a good agency can do the screening and marketing for you, until you get on your feet.

i know one of arkansas's most premier ladies started with an (now defunct) agency... as soon as she developed a solid client base she went indy...

btw, don't dismiss getting jumped all over. it can be funnn....
I think it would depend on the agency. If I were in Bama I'd work for Vicki (in addition to) and I have heard of some really great agencies.

Agency is different than a "pimp" or "manager". I've heard anything from 10-30% not half (that'd be whacked). I don't think I'd ever go agency because I generally like to get a feel for the person before I get a feel of the person.
Guest022210's Avatar
I hope no one jumps all over me for this, but here it goes.....

I am genuinely curious as to why some guys would rather see girls with an agency as opposed to the independents. Don't you sometimes wonder why a girl needs to work for an agency that would take half of her earnings? I'm sure there's a good reason, I just really want to know--have wondered about this for a long time. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
I have never used an agency so I can only what speak to what
past providers have told me.When a girl first goes into the trade, she is at a bit of a loss as to how to go about it.An agency helps them learn the ropes,gives them a source of clients they might not get from an ad and gives them a sense of security although perhaps falsely so.
As far as the money goes,if your other job is Walmart,half of your 200$ fee may still seem a princely sum.The other incentive is that if a girl only plans a short hitch in the business, agency work is the easiest way to earn some money and leave as few tracks as possible.Eventually though if she stays in the business and finds it something they are suited for, they will go independent.Look at the providers on here and you will find a good percentage who started with an agency.
As far as guys go,the incentive is with an agency which has a good reputation, you have a reasonable expectation of qualityand greater assurance the girl is not a cop as cops can't have a second full time job
I have never used an agency so I can only what speak to what
past providers have told me.When a girl first goes into the trade, she is at a bit of a loss as to how to go about it.An agency helps them learn the ropes,gives them a source of clients they might not get from an ad and gives them a sense of security although perhaps falsely so.
As far as the money goes,if your other job is Walmart,half of your 200$ fee may still seem a princely sum.The other incentive is that if a girl only plans a short hitch in the business, agency work is the easiest way to earn some money and leave as few tracks as possible.Eventually though if she stays in the business and finds it something they are suited for, they will go independent.Look at the providers on here and you will find a good percentage who started with an agency.
As far as guys go,the incentive is with an agency which has a good reputation, you have a reasonable expectation of qualityand greater assurance the girl is not a cop as cops can't have a second full time job Originally Posted by Lookin4
I can understand why a lady would start in this business with an agency, but I don't think I've met a single person who has told me about a good experience with a little rock agency (and i know a provider who started at one who says they take half). In fact, I've heard several bad stories about calling agencies in little rock. But then, maybe I just don't get to hear the good stories....
Guest022210's Avatar
And that is why I use independents.I like dealing with a lady directly,If I pay 200$ I like to get 200$ worth. I have often wondered if when the agency leaves the lady 100$, she might be inclined to give 100$ worth,it's human nature.
Perhaps guys like to use their credit card to make the purchase
perhaps guys like to have "pick of the litter" at one place without the hassles of looking thru countless ads

Perhaps the guys like that atleast in theory if something goes wrong there is an agency to fall back on where as if an indy girl steals your money and runs you have no one to call, no recourse for action

Perhaps the guys don't like the hassle of dealing with indy ladies who think they can do what they want when they want..the know when calling an agency there will be atleast "some" girl or girls available, they will get screened and the date can go off without a hitch, where as indy girls sometimes seem to wanna get more emotionally involved, make it to much of a hassle on traveling guys a hassle a business man in town for 1 night that had a hard day doesn't wanna put up with.

Keep in mind the number of guys reviewing here is a small fraction of the hobby community, there are lurkers who many times no one knows who they are seeing. There were years back a few guys that saw the "named" indy girls that quite often frequented diamond with good results. I have met plenty of traveling business men in the area that were quite satisfied with diamond and other agencies..why were they seeing "indy" girls too..because like anything variety is nice..

but there are countless reasons why one might want to see an agency girl..
willro's Avatar
I am genuinely curious as to why some guys would rather see girls with an agency as opposed to the independents. Don't you sometimes wonder why a girl needs to work for an agency that would take half of her earnings? I'm sure there's a good reason, I just really want to know--have wondered about this for a long time. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Lily, I have called an agency a few times and, so far, had only good experiences. I got the girl in the photo, in a reasonable amount of time, and no upselling or other BS. Of course, that is not always how it goes, as I have read from many other guys.

For me the appeal is two things. 1) It keeps it simple if you are not familiar with the girls in the area... much less likely to be LE or some other type of problem. You don't have to make 6-7 phone calls to find a girl that is answering the phone and available. 2) there is always a new lineup of providers. That variety is appealing to a lot of guys.
I hope no one jumps all over me for this, but here it goes.....

I am genuinely curious as to why some guys would rather see girls with an agency as opposed to the independents. Don't you sometimes wonder why a girl needs to work for an agency that would take half of her earnings? I'm sure there's a good reason, I just really want to know--have wondered about this for a long time. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
There is a whole thread on this discussion. The pros and cons are observed completely here: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...light=agencies. Take a look. I found it enlightening.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-02-2010, 08:22 PM
I haven't seen a Diamond's (or any other agency) girl in Arkansas. I have seen several ex-Diamond's girls.... and have been pleased with most!

I suppose my New Orleans experience has soured my trust in agencies.... there is only one completely reputable one down there! The rest are notorious rip-offs.... mostly bait 'n switch operations!

I have heard a few thumbs-up recommendations for Diamonds Girls.... more from guys, than from the girls, though. I wish there were more recent, updated, reliable photos around! False photo advertising has been proven to be part of the game.... as with many-many agencies around the country!

tuckahoe's Avatar
There are lots of terrible agencies out there, and also some horrible indys. There are also some excellent agencies and some great indys. I have used Diamond Int. for many years. I have developed a rapport with Diamond. She knows how to pick a girl with whom I will be pleased. She knows me and I trust her. I don't get any shenanigans when I use her service. There, I am not accused of ugly things, as an indy recently accused me of being, even though she never met me. Sure, Diamond gets some bad apples, but they won't be there long. After a few dates, she will get to know what you are looking for in a date, and do her best to supply a suitable companion. The website does not get updated often enough, but if you call, you can have current pics sent to your cell phone.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-02-2010, 08:46 PM
Are Diamond Girls often able to offer Incall ?
