The Story of Bobo

motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 03-23-2017, 03:06 PM
Some of you probably know the story of Bobo, but for those who don't...let me spin ya a tell.

There was a lady one day taking her pure bred dog out for a walk. She came down the street with with her dog and all of a sudden out between the houses here comes a plain ol' dirty mutt. The mutt jumped up on the back of the lady's pure bred and started humping the shit out if it. Well needless to say the lady was shocked at the sight of this. She kicked and screamed at the mutt but he just humped away. She saw this old man sitting on the porch watching all of this, and said please sir help me. Well the old man got off the porch walked over to the dogs, grabbed the mutts tail, wet his finger and stuck it right up the mutts ass. Well that's all it took the mutt let loose a yelp and off he ran. The lady now relieved that this was all over turned to the old man and asked how he knew that would work, the old man looked the lady square in the eye and said" lady everyone knows that Bobo can dish it out but can't take it." Moral over the story to some.....don't be like Bobo...Have a great day
bored@home's Avatar
Cool story...I think... unless it a veiled alert where your the old man...if so then it pretty gross
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 03-23-2017, 07:31 PM
Cool story...I think... unless it a veiled alert where your the old man...if so then it pretty gross Originally Posted by bored@home
lol...not me
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Motor - Awesome short "BoBo" story.. Nice one for a Wet-Friday !!
Bobo best stay outa our neighborhood. We've got coyotes and bobcats running around that'll eat his ass; that's right....