PhoenixFux's Avatar
Boys, do your homework! And if you are so concerned about my activities with others, maybe this Hobby Isnt For You!

I'm not your typical local girl. I'm full of life, positivity, and HEALTH. That being said, I have a big preparation regime, and always have. I have a regular gyno, that's aware of my business, and is on call for ANY concern I have. I have health insurance. I CARE about what I put in my body. I don't do drugs and RARELY drink.
So if BB throws you out of my schedule, good. You must not understand science and statistics behind STDs. Those snaggle tooth girls your throw those dicks in bare, right in the mouth... ahhhh. Hilarious.
Seriously though, if you dont bring your own protection, or she doesnt have any..... YOU MAKE your choice. If you have to worry about a SO at home, then why hobby? Ffs you funny
ben dover's Avatar
This.... "YOU MAKE your choice"..... yes
offshoredrilling's Avatar

btw: Any need for someone to hold/work a video cam ?
PhoenixFux's Avatar

btw: Any need for someone to hold/work a video cam ? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I do need to get some good video of Sphinx and I!
When are you gonna visit Syracuse Ms Phoenix?
PhoenixFux's Avatar
When are you gonna visit Syracuse Ms Phoenix? Originally Posted by Rootfire
I'm not quite sure just yet, but I do plan to get there. I'm a bit overwhelmed with screening and scheduling, especially
Since I handle all my girlfriends stuff as well. I'm working on monthly plans in Rochester, and once I finger it out, I'll be keeping Syracuse in the rotation as well
offshoredrilling's Avatar

btw: Any need for someone to hold/work a video cam ? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I do need to get some good video of Sphinx and I! Originally Posted by PhoenixFux
I'm only so so at
can I bring Ben and or Paulie to teach me?
elghund's Avatar
I'm only so so at
can I bring Ben and or Paulie to teach me? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Who’s bringing the beer and popcorn?

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Who’s bringing the beer and popcorn?

elg........ Originally Posted by elghund
the male actor in the vid that will pay both girls for the Ahem time

congratulations? or is that thanks

title "cuckold gets rejected for pussy"
PhoenixFux's Avatar
I believe Ben trumped your offer already. Lol!
PhoenixFux's Avatar
Who’s bringing the beer and popcorn?

elg........ Originally Posted by elghund
If it's at my place I can have beer here, I prefer yuengling but havent had a beer in over 6 months! I prefer chips to popcorn, but my strict diet just wont let me enjoy the little things lately
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I believe Ben trumped your offer already. Lol! Originally Posted by PhoenixFux

you need help on the another vid of???

edit links please and thank you
elghund's Avatar
If it's at my place I can have beer here, I prefer yuengling but havent had a beer in over 6 months! I prefer chips to popcorn, but my strict diet just wont let me enjoy the little things lately Originally Posted by PhoenixFux


offshoredrilling's Avatar

elg....... Originally Posted by elghund
trying to get back to land piranha... size?
PhoenixFux's Avatar
I'll remember that. Lol.
Land shark for elg!