What do you want to accomplish this new year?!

Mysticalbreeze's Avatar
2023 is gonna be my year.
And I’m hitting the ground running.

Top 3 goals:
2) take a dance class
3) continue with holistic health approaches and implement new ones
(I recently started going to the chiropractor, physical therapist, and massage therapist for this back of mine and I’m a definite believer!)

What are you hoping to accomplish this year? Goals? Travels? Business? Home?

You can tell a lot about a person by what they plan to achieve.

I better keep mine to myself. It might tell too much about me if I verbalize it.
World domination
Retire at 40
Win the lottery

The usual…..
Lose about 20 more pounds, achieve a couple of additional work certifications/upgrades, a few self improvement goals. That should suffice for a while.
oraltendencies's Avatar
Lose 60 more pounds. I lost 60 pounds in 2022, I want to do that or more this year. Meet someone new... Maybe visit a new location?
I have an additional one. After reading encounter reports from Rockydoc and Farmncityboy, meeting Mysticalbreeze has been added to the list as well.
  • Sandy
  • 01-02-2023, 09:38 AM
Lose some pounds

And move in with my new doctor boyfriend, we are already talking about it., but taking our time.. He is introducing me to his family next week.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
1. Master pole fitness
2. Tone up certain areas of my body
3. Continue building my landscaping clientele up.
4. Master inner peace
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Make time to hang out w friends and family (never know when it’ll be the last time you’ll see them).

Travel more and see new providers in other states

Cut down on drinking (I don’t have a drinking problem, but I’ve
learned as I’ve gotten older, hang overs get a whole lot worst)!
DallasRain's Avatar
well i already lost 10lbs so im good with that

i wanna go to montana this year(very unlikely)..but i can dream!!

so realistically my goal...learn how to make voodoo dolls to sell at my flea market booth!

AND meet you miss sexy Breeze!!!
CatMan4u's Avatar
Do my last bucket list item and go on a vacation
It's been three years since the last one
Mysticalbreeze's Avatar
I better keep mine to myself. It might tell too much about me if I verbalize it. Originally Posted by Baconman
you, quiet?!?! no way ;p ;p
Mysticalbreeze's Avatar
World domination
Retire at 40
Win the lottery

The usual….. Originally Posted by Bubba_3000
I love that you ended this with "the usual"... i mean, we all want world domination right?
alas, i've got 9 years to 40... I can do this
Mysticalbreeze's Avatar
Lose about 20 more pounds, achieve a couple of additional work certifications/upgrades, a few self improvement goals. That should suffice for a while. Originally Posted by hogfan4201
I love it! Self-improvement is fundamental and growth can also be so difficult to adjust to. I am trying to lose my last 15-20 lbs also and it feels defeating at times, but every day I get a little closer...
Mysticalbreeze's Avatar
Lose 60 more pounds. I lost 60 pounds in 2022, I want to do that or more this year. Meet someone new... Maybe visit a new location? Originally Posted by oraltendencies
hell yes my friend! shout those 60lbs down from the rooftops! that is amazingly awesome!!! I have lost almost 100 lbs this past year and a half and I wish I would've known how much better I would feel and how life-changing that is years ago and I would've started my journey then! Meeting new people and seeing new places remains one of my favorite things to do!