Intruders jump White House fence, GOP most concerned

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This flies in the face of typical democrat assaults. Obama's life could be threatened and it is the GOP that is taking to the airwaves talking about the threat and danger to a man that, according to the democrats, they want dead.

Still, on a more somber note, don't you think that the terrorists are paying attention to this. I can imagine them sitting around, slapping their collective heads and going WOW! is that all there is to it. Just jump the fence and run fast to the front door? We can probably get a dozen guys to do this next week.
Obama's life could be threatened and it is the GOP that is taking to the airwaves talking about the threat and danger to a man that, according to the democrats, they want dead. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Link? Which "democrats" are you referring to?
SEE3772's Avatar
And there's Chinese and Russian nuke subs popping up all over the coast lines of America!
So who cares about a few people jumping the White House fence...
This flies in the face of typical democrat assaults. Obama's life could be threatened and it is the GOP that is taking to the airwaves talking about the threat and danger to a man that, according to the democrats, they want dead.

Still, on a more somber note, don't you think that the terrorists are paying attention to this. I can imagine them sitting around, slapping their collective heads and going WOW! is that all there is to it. Just jump the fence and run fast to the front door? We can probably get a dozen guys to do this next week. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Was it a republican jumping the fence? They will do anything to get in there again.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And there's Chinese and Russian nuke subs popping up all over the coast lines of America!
So who cares about a few people jumping the White House fence...
Originally Posted by SEE3772

US: 2 bombers over China’s new airspace were on long-planned training

Stars and Stripes
Published: November 26, 2013

WASHINGTON — Two U.S. B-52 bombers flew unannounced near a chain of islands claimed by both Japan and China, and through a newly established air defense zone China claims it controls, according to multiple media reports.

Chinese warship nearly collided with USS Cowpens

Stars and Stripes
Published: December 13, 2013

WASHINGTON – On Dec. 5, a Chinese warship nearly collided with a U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser, according to U.S. Pacific Fleet.

“While lawfully operating in international waters in the South China Sea, USS Cowpens (CG 63) and a PLA Navy vessel had an encounter that required maneuvering to avoid a collision."

Korea tensions over claims that warship was sunk by torpedo

A South Korean navy ship was sunk yesterday in what was feared to have been a torpedo attack by a North Korean submarine.

Several of the 104 crew were killed and others were missing last night.
The drama, close to the disputed sea border between the two Koreas, raised concern that growing tensions between them could escalate into conflict.

Read more:

Still, on a more somber note, don't you think that the terrorists are paying attention to this. I can imagine them sitting around, slapping their collective heads and going WOW! is that all there is to it. Just jump the fence and run fast to the front door? We can probably get a dozen guys to do this next week.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Biden probably has a couple of ladders they can borrow.
Was it a republican jumping the fence? They will do anything to get in there again. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I don't think it's about getting in there as much of what they want to get out, lol.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Link? Which "democrats" are you referring to? Originally Posted by bigtex
Ever hear the name Alan Grayson? Don't try to play it off that he is bat shit crazy. He is an elected democrat. Also Rahm Emmanuel of Chicago. Remember that correspondents dinner a few years ago when it was reported that he had a knife (Al Copone style) and after every name of a republican he would jab the knife into the table and say, "DEAD!".
Ever hear the name Alan Grayson? Don't try to play it off that he is bat shit crazy. He is an elected democrat. Also Rahm Emmanuel of Chicago. Remember that correspondents dinner a few years ago when it was reported that he had a knife (Al Copone style) and after every name of a republican he would jab the knife into the table and say, "DEAD!". Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Where's the link supporting your previous statement that Democrats are saying that Republicans want the President dead? I have never heard of a Democrat making that statement before. Perhaps they have and I am just not aware of it.

If you had credibility, I would probably take your word for it but you have none. Therefore, I asked for a link.

Where is the actual link?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since I never said elected democrats (most of the time they are smart enough not to say it directly or publicly), here is a smattering of both views:


Dan Savage, liberal, gay activist

Mike Malloy, liberal radio talker

Assorted liberal students

Assorted tweets from liberals

Rahm Emmamuel, democrat, former Obama Chief of Staff, and Mayor of Chicago

Democrats who say that Republicans want Obama or people dead:

Howard Dean

Ed Schultz

Alan Grayson
Sarcasm- Basically total bullshit that equates Obama liking "Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon and even Ronald Reagan." to wanting all Reps dead

Dan Savage - Savage retracted and apologized for the off hand comment on a comedy show.

Mike Malloy- Out of context again

Assorted tweets from liberals Third party B.S. at best

Rahm Emmamuel - Another out of context story

Howard Dean - Guess what? out of context

Ed Schultz and Alan GraysonMore BS out of context

I think the first thing you should work on is how to maintain anything you read into two categories. One you have read it, but haven't researched it and then things you have researched and have reinstated it to its original context.
Just finding something on the internet does not make it true or factual.
Speaking of implying your thread implies the GOP not republicans. So your are floundering again.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I was wondering where Marshall went.
Still, on a more somber note, don't you think that the terrorists are paying attention to this. I can imagine them sitting around, slapping their collective heads and going WOW! is that all there is to it. Just jump the fence and run fast to the front door? We can probably get a dozen guys to do this next week. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That won't work, they are going to start locking the door

The White House on Monday said it would do what most homeowners practice to secure their property: Lock the front door.

“After Friday night’s incident, when the door is not in use, it will be secured,” said White House press secretary Josh Earnest, clarifying that officials would, in fact, lock the door.
White House will now lock the front door