Brooklyn Shooting and FBI

berryberry's Avatar
The Brooklyn subway shooting suspect was known to the FBI as a potential terrorist until it stopped tracking him in 2019.

Guess the FBI was too busy staging fake kidnappings in Michigan and fake capital protests on Jan 6 to track a real terrorist
berryberry's Avatar
Frank R. James ID’d As Suspect In Tuesday Brooklyn Subway Attack

Where are you saying that he fell off the FBI's watch list? I checked the top 5 results on DDG and none of them mention the FBI at all.

Rather, this was someone who had a history of mental issues and was turned away from seeking help.

aid at an evening briefing. “Mr. Mayor, I’m a victim of your mental health program,” James said in one lengthy video.
“I’m 63 now full of hate, full of anger, and full of bitterness.”
James said he had a diagnosed mental illness and railed against what he called the “horror show” of the city’s mental health services.
“What’s going on in that place is violence,” he said about a facility he claimed to receive care from. “Not physical violence,” he explained, “but the kind of violence a child experiences in grade school… that would make him go get a gun and shooting motherf–ers.”
The person of interest ranted about race issues and claimed that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was proof that black people were treated with disdain in society.
“These white motherfu–ers, this is what they do,” he said. “Ultimately at the end of the day they kill and commit genocide against each other. What do you think they gonna do to your black ass?”
The only options James could find, he claimed, was to commit more violence or become a cirminal.
“And so the message to me is: I should have gotten a gun, and just started shooting motherfuckers,” he said.
“Or I should have gotten some dope and started shooting or starting hitting bit–es in the head, robbing old ladies, you know what the fu– it is.”
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  • Devo
  • 04-12-2022, 06:47 PM
Or he's another racist black man, who will never be charged for what he did.

At least it wasn't parade victims this time, and, if you choose to live in a city where you can't carry a gun, then, its your fault for being a victim.
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  • Devo
  • 04-12-2022, 06:54 PM
And for the record, no one in Westmoreland or Armstrong county was shot today, even though they have the 27th, and 4th, highest gun ownership by COUNTY, in the entire USA.

However, 4 shot in the hill district in the last few days.

Seems like only one demographic is killing each other in Western PA, and, its not racist white guys doing the killing.

Figure it out, and solve the problems where they exist.
bambino's Avatar
The cameras mysteriously weren’t working. Imagine that.
... Shouldn't be surprised that the fellow slipped off the
FBI watch list... Ray Epps was taken OFF the FBI Most Wanted list
AFTER the 6th Jan Capitol protest.

We Australians call that "Scratch, scratch me back."

### Salty
The Brooklyn subway shooting suspect was known to the FBI as a potential terrorist until it stopped tracking him in 2019.

Guess the FBI was too busy staging fake kidnappings in Michigan and fake capital protests on Jan 6 to track a real terrorist Originally Posted by berryberry
... Hey Berry - Remember we TOLD the liberal lads here
that The FBI was well-involved IN the kidnapping plot
- and the lads surely LAUGHED AT US...

They aint laughing NOW.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Where are you saying that he fell off the FBI's watch list? I checked the top 5 results on DDG and none of them mention the FBI at all. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Multiple news reports - here are just :

Rather, this was someone who had a history of mental issues and was turned away from seeking help.
Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Mental issues? This guy was a full on black supremacist racist.
There is some disturbing stuff that he posted on his social media like "kill all the whiteys". I am not going to dignify it by posting it here
berryberry's Avatar
... Hey Berry - Remember we TOLD the liberal lads here
that The FBI was well-involved IN the kidnapping plot
- and the lads surely LAUGHED AT US...

They aint laughing NOW.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yeah Salty - the libs like to bury their heads in the sand and only listen to the fake news fed to them from the DNC and the DNC's media arms
The cameras mysteriously weren’t working. Imagine that. Originally Posted by bambino
NY received Billons in stimulus nothing improved except vote buying for democrat’s
The Brooklyn subway shooting suspect was known to the FBI as a potential terrorist until it stopped tracking him in 2019.

Guess the FBI was too busy staging fake kidnappings in Michigan and fake capital protests on Jan 6 to track a real terrorist Originally Posted by berryberry
It wasn’t reported the suspect was black, would that make a difference in looking for a suspect.
Looks like a cross between Jay Z and Dr. Dre

Frank R. James ID’d As Suspect In Tuesday Brooklyn Subway Attack

Originally Posted by berryberry
snoopy75's Avatar
What an amazing coincidence that the day before this happened, the President was speaking out against guns publicly. Astonishing.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 04-13-2022, 10:25 AM
What an amazing coincidence that the day before this happened, the President was speaking out against guns publicly. Astonishing. Originally Posted by snoopy75
The funny timing has been noticed on many occasions.

About time for a school attack featuring a "Ghost gun".

That's always a huge positive event for the left, dead bodies to lobby over.