The lie has been identified; you just refuse to see it. Just like you don't think Obama lied when he told us, to name just a few of the dozens upon dozens:
- “Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”
- “The Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration.”
- “We revealed to the American people exactly what we understood at the time.” (on benghazi)
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
1. You don't think Congress that is made up of lawyers didn't know what they were voting for with the ACA? $94 is $94 regardless of what you call it, a fine or a tax.
2. The Arizona ATF agents started Fast and Furious on their own with no help from Washington. They sent the first Email to Holder 3 months after the guns "started walking" FACT JACK. The name Fast and Furious evolved after the agents noticed that the gun buyers worked in an autobody shop and raced cars at night.
3. There was no coverup with Benghazi. Rice was wrong about the Video but that is what they thought at the time. It is well known that the CIA was using local militia for protection, that failed to show up when called. A congressional committee has already confirmed this.
Try something else Whirly, you have nothing here.