A few weeks ago, my ATF guy booked an early morning date, but it was cut short due to him accidentally locking his keys in his car! Bless his heart because this was the 2nd time that AAA had been called out to my place because of his car issues and we've had a great laugh over it! This time, since our visit was cut short, I offered to make up the unused time at a different date at his convenience! Today was supposed to have been that date!
He and I talk all time through IM and as of last Friday, I remembered about our date scheduled for this morning!
But guess what I did........I freakin' forgot! Only when I got a phone call from him, did I remember! I am mortified because not once have I ever done this! He jokingly said he was going to write a NCNS review and I wouldn't blame him at all! LOL!
So, guess what I'm going to do this morning! I'm headed to the nearest Walgreens for some of those memory supplements! Now if I could only remember what they are called!
PS. M, thank you for being a sweetheart and I apologize from the bottom of my heart! Love you bunches and I will see you next week!