Third strike...

Just under a year of providing and I am glad it wasn't until last week that I had my 3rd and LAST horrible experience!

What this means is that my screening process just got twice as hard. I am a VERY very discreet provider and I will always stay that way. I am a very focused person and am working hard to achieve my short and long term goals. If you are not willing to verify yourself with more than just references then please don't contact me. I am not asking you for your personal information for any dramatic or incriminating reason. I am simply doing this to make sure I am safe while providing a unique, fun, sensual experience each time.

I want these experiences to be just that. Indulgent experiences. I take pride in what I do and who I am, I am in this business because I want to be soooo with that being said...

Please don't
Try and date me
Show up with bad hygiene
Try and make me feel guilty for not wanting to hang out outside the hobby
Continuously txt
Ask for pictures if we have not had a session
Talk about other providers
Phish (yes I know how it is spelled, I just like the band) for compliments
And most importantly please don't be rude. I love to get caught up in the moment but there are still things you do not say or do.

no drama zone yo
Cheers IJ
I see your nipples. Hehehe! 😋😋😋
Sorry that happened to you. It is not a difficult thing to be polite and respectful to the providers we contact and see, so I'm not sure why some of us clients seem to have so much trouble with it.
Sucks that that happened to you, Miss Jade... some people are just shitheels. Hope your next session goes better!
I feel ya girl....
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
So sorry that happened to you Miss Jade! Hopefully, I have the pleasure to meet you someday soon and I can guarantee I'll show you a proper time :-)
Warden639's Avatar
Sorry to hear you've had bad experiences lately! Hope things improve, and I'll try to be a respectful client myself if we meet someday.
SlowHand50's Avatar
Please don't give up on us (hobbyists) quite yet, we're not all jerks. And on behalf of those of us who do have some sense and manners, I am sorry you were mistreated; no woman should be treated in any way other than with courtesy.
I am so happy to see all the positive progressive comments! I will not give up, that is not me! Plus one instance in your existence does not define it, onto the next xoxo
cheers all
We all have a unpleasant experience from time to time but as long as someone still has the desire & drive it will be worth it.Just my opinion.
I think you missed the point of the post doll. You just reiterated my point. There will always be challenges in life, it's all about how YOU react to them. This is how I chose to react to this. I was informing my regulars and future prospects of my expectations. I have much desire and drive. That was the reason for the post! I want to keep having fun and being a great provider. Keep your immediate existence positive and miss me with the sad clown you are dragging around and Maybe a re-read was in order before a reply. Just my opinion xoxo Cheers
hogmanjones's Avatar
I think karma is just trying to tell you to hurry back to NWA!!
You Definitely take pride in the body!
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
I’m sorry that happened to you!
Hatty242's Avatar
I'm very sorry to hear that. Some people are just jerks it seems, and think that because they plonk down a couple of bucks it entitles them to be idiots. It reminds me of the classic Trinity Kane thread of "F you, you're fired". A great post and fits right in to what you apparently experienced. Providers provide a wonderful respite from the challenges of the "real" world, and I guess some needy sissy pants can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, or between some brief time with a friend vs. someone they feel they have a right to control. Unfortunatley some leave this for that reason and it ruins it for the rest of us.