For years Trump supporters called Clinton supporters snowflakes because they couldn’t believe she lost. They ridiculed them and told them to put on their big boy/girl pants/skirts and suck it up. Trump won. They marched and fought hard to win ELECTIONS and took the House from the Republicans and shrank the Senate majority. They kept fighting to win ELECTIONS and won back the presidency House and senate. The “snowflakes” did it the right way.
Oh how times changed. 4 years later the real snowflakes are lost and confused snd hurt that Trump lost and can’t accept it. They even tried to overturn the election. They even assaulted the seat of government and ransacked the Capitol Building resulting in the death of 2 people from injuries, including a police officer, and 3 people from heatlrt attacks or something. All because they couldn’t do what they told Clinton supporters to do Suck IT Up and Accept the Results. It’s clear that Trumpys are just little snowflakes. Small. Incapable of accepting reality. Fragile.
Don’t take it from me though. One of their own stated so perfectly.