Wha happens at Sugars stays a Sugars

Guest102312's Avatar
So I am not sure what it isiwith me and being naked at Strip Clubs but the girls that are working dont appreciate me....WTF!!!! And to top it off some of Austin's finest got busted with thier pants below their ankels. Then for some reason at the end of the night I felt like Bella in Twilight breathing cold air on a picnic table....WTH!!! Can anyone in attendence tell me what happend?
I must have had fun because I am totally not geting what happened tonight...I guess note to self never go to a strip club with Maci...You might get kicked out!!!!! oh wait some of you did and it was not my fault, haha
WTF!!!! This was the first night of pool night and high drama at sugars, i am glad i left before i got dragged out there. I wonder what will happen at P10 tonight after pool night up north.

Good turn out last night south, let's do it again north.
Whispers's Avatar
Maci..... You've been a bad... bad.... bad... girl.... I might have to cancel your job interview at my office originally scheduled for 10AM while I'm "fixing" things.....


Before i return the calls from 2 Managers, 1 Owner and 3 different Dancers at Sugars that I woke up to can someone PM me and fill me in on what my "friends" did last night and how my name got involved?

Yes.... I CAN make things "all better" but before I do I would just like to know what I missed while down in San Antonio! I was still doing Christmas with family members while some of you took the partying back into high gear!

Note to anyone partying with Maci Lynn in a Strip Club: When you get to the club you do NOT have to pay a cover to get her in. You DO HAVE TO PAY HER HOUSE FEE! and it will help the rest of the evening if you immediately call a manager over, slip him a $20 bill and tell him your truly sorry for what is about to happen!

Sixx.....BJs in VIP at Sugars are OK IF...AND ONLY IF..... your getting your BJ from one of the girls working the club..... You can NOT bring your own!



What am I gonna do with you guys....

oh.... for the readers..... Your gonna have to wonder big time about this one because Maci wasn't the young lady whose lips found their way onto Sixx!
Britttany_love's Avatar
It was a blast... it wasn't as big of a scene as it is being made out to be. The manager was nice and politely asked the two to leave and take it elsewhere.. he was not mad or angry and was actually very nice with the situation at hand...as for maci girl your a really sweet girl and t was a pleasure to meet you. The manager did get tipped by one of the gents in attendance. Maci girl all the crown shots that you were drinking last night must have caught up to you.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Between the Pool, Strip Club and the deep freeze my balls were subjected to. I am at a lost with words. Then again, I had one of the most intresting dream (or was it reality). FFFM in the Strip club
Britttany_love's Avatar
That was sure fun... i think the dancers were only jealous of the fun and all the money maci was getting from us. She had more money than any of the dancers in there all night.
I'm glad y'all are getting out and having fun together.

There was more than one good time last night, that's for sure....
i cant tell if i am glad i didnt make it....or kicking myself for not going...
  • 12-27-2010, 08:17 PM
I agree with Bubba. Maybe we can just watch next time!
watch....when the fuck have i EVER said anythign about just watching????
Guest102312's Avatar
well Bubba and Jim......you HAVE to come next time....I am liking the whole playing pool!!!!