So, London Hit With Terrorist Attack.

Four people dead, numerous injured.

The perpetrator just plowed a car into the crowd, then got out and started stabbing people with two knives.

Terrorism? Hatred? Islamic inspired?

Probably all three.

A dedicated individule doesn't need sophisticated weapons to cause mayhem, grave bodily harm and death to innocent citizens. All he needs is the will to do it with what is at his, or her, disposal.
Buddys Place's Avatar
It's time for the west to stand up for itself. Multiculturalism has been a colossal failure. Time to ship em back.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Four people dead, numerous injured.

The perpetrator just plowed a car into the crowd, then got out and started stabbing people with two knives.

Terrorism? Hatred? Islamic inspired?

Probably all three.

A dedicated individule doesn't need sophisticated weapons to cause mayhem, grave bodily harm and death to innocent citizens. All he needs is the will to do it with what is at his, or her, disposal. Originally Posted by Jackie S
He needs very little but he (or she) does need to be in this country. Support the ban.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Sad, so sad.
I hope we do not have to go and get them out of another pickle again.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

A dedicated individule doesn't need sophisticated weapons to cause mayhem, grave bodily harm and death to innocent citizens. All he needs is the will to do it with what is at his, or her, disposal. Originally Posted by Jackie S

I could create havoc in this town with just a BB gun.
  • DSK
  • 03-22-2017, 04:01 PM
It's time for the west to stand up for itself. Multiculturalism has been a colossal failure. Time to ship em back. Originally Posted by Buddys Place
I think we are going to have to accept that fact or have a civil war in numerous countries.. SAD
bambino's Avatar
Send the Magnificent 7 +5 in to save the day! They're all muzzy lovin cocksuckers.
Send the Magnificent 7 +5 in to save the day! They're all muzzy lovin cocksuckers. Originally Posted by bambino
Yes since Luke was in the Army and was a hitman.
I think we are going to have to accept that fact or have a civil war in numerous countries.. SAD Originally Posted by DSK
World War III. The end game. The rise of the New World Order.

It's time for the west to stand up for itself. Multiculturalism has been a colossal failure. Time to ship em back. Originally Posted by Buddys Place
You are soo right, unfortunately the Liberal Media will keep up its negative hyperbole, (xenophobia, racism, sexism and any other isms that they might be able to put out on the table "we the people" might believe) and half truths that of course make the American people think Trump is clown and many other pitiful adjectives they wish to manipulate. And let us not forget this agenda has been pushed very strongly in the last 20 years in our school systems not to mention once the urchins get to college, there is no other opinion accepted, no more debating because "you" who might show just an inkling of conservatism will be shut down in any way possible.

I do see a light at the end of the tunnel with French elections coming up and the French people surely are tired of allowing all the "unknown people" into their country and suffering the consequences. Wouldn't it be nice to see Marine Le Penget elected and President Trump having another ally in the world fight against these people who want to kill us. However I would be very content if the alternative to her would be Francois Fillon. I would see it as the start of worlds return to sensibility. Then next year Germany and I honestly believe the German people are tired of Angela Merkel's no-nonsense approach to Liberalism. They are ready for a little conservatism. JMHO
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes since Luke was in the Army and was a hitman. Originally Posted by Stockinglover

looks like mr toughguy is a bit butthurt lately after getting spanked in the San Antonio mod forum. the butthurt fatass hasn't posted anything since.

he'll likely be back .. soon as he gets all those corn cobs outta his fatass!
looks like mr toughguy is a bit butthurt lately after getting spanked in the San Antonio mod forum. the butthurt fatass hasn't posted anything since.

he'll likely be back .. soon as he gets all those corn cobs outta his fatass! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Thanks that was a good read. He's a massive crybaby and loser lib.
I B Hankering's Avatar
looks like mr toughguy is a bit butthurt lately after getting spanked in the San Antonio mod forum. the butthurt fatass hasn't posted anything since.

he'll likely be back .. soon as he gets all those corn cobs outta his fatass! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Send the Magnificent 7 +5 in to save the day! They're all muzzy lovin cocksuckers. Originally Posted by bambino
They would ban all cars and knives.

Problem solved
The guy was known to authorities. Authorities are already labeling it a "terrorist attack." Londonstan mayor silent for 9 hours in response.