Is It Time?

One has to ask one self: Is it time?
Paquito's Avatar
I think it depends on each person's personal situation and risk tolerance. If you are wealthy, or have a job that makes work from home easy, you are likely less likely to think "it's time". If you are struggling to make things stretch or pay bills, or perhaps a college student trying to get by, you may be more likely to think "it's time". Regardless of our personal situations I think we will all question what is fair going forward.
Covid cases are skyrocketing, doubling and now tripling daily since many have decided "It's time".

For over 20 years since arriving here I've told everyone Austin is my favorite city with the coolest people in the country.

Now I sadly have to say it has the highest % of uncaring dumbasses I've ever come across.

The population deliberately takes fewer and fewer precautions infecting others as the numbers accelerate to record highs.

It's like losing your brakes so you decide stepping on the gas and removing your seat belt makes you a rebel.

Dumbest population I've ever come across.
nuglet's Avatar
Agreed Sirgenerous. it's amazing how low the bar gets set for some. It's a shame since the desire is there but the brain, for once, rules the game for those that have the mental capacity.