lingerie modeling studios?

There used to be one on Lu Field Rd in Dallas.

Do these exist anymore?
Venus room is what it was called...
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
Please explain the premise to the newb of what a lingerie modeling session would entail. No sarcastic replies warranted as I understand it seems self explanatory but I’m looking for details of activities, setup, etc. I’m guessing it doesn’t exist anymore or we would see some postings but someone who has been before do a bit of reminiscing for us por favor.
I seem to remember there was a time you could book a room with a lingerie model to pratice your photography skills. I think it was just a gimmick to get laid without hiring a hooker. You paid her to model. Whatever else happend was between two consenting adults. Have not heard of them in a long time
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
You know thinking about the Venus Room name I DO remember that being advertised but had no idea really what it was. I remember a billboard off 635 heading out of Irving going west right before you hit 35 that had The Venus Room name with a pretty girl that caught your attention. Then I looked up Rue Rd and where that is located and I’m pretty sure I drove by one day out of curiosity to see an underwhelming building. Was kinda close to that row of AMPs on Emerald St that was popular at one time. Wish I had gone in to just check it out now.
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
Lu Field Rd I meant.
pmdelites's Avatar
"jack shack"

you'd pay to watch a woman slink around in lingerie, maybe even remove an item or two.
but you'd never (or rarely) get w/in touching distance.
unless you count mary five fingers.

there were a whole bunch of them on harry hines, over north of royal, etc.
then studios started popping up - they were full blown brothels where one could engage in sexual activities w/ the "models".
i dont remember any guy posting photos from any "modeling" sessions back then.

but then i'm almost a geezer, so what the fuck do i know.
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
Wow. Interesting the progression and how it started out. Sound like the lingerie shops were the dipping the toes in the water before the business as we know it now took off. I bet intercorse or BJ was had for the right price though at some of these places that allowed it and depending on the girl. Still setup is innocent enough for LE to turn the other cheek. Interesting concept. It’s just a modeling session after all right. Lol. No I’m not gonna play with myself while in there. And I would never imagine touching her or asking her to do anything to me officer. This is like a strip club but little more intimate setting like getting the private room at Baby Dolls. That not illegal right. Please disregard the smell of cum in the room officer, that’s just my special brand of aftershave. Can I go now?