No matter how you want to measure it.............
One of the problems with an administration as comprehensively awful as Barack Obama’s is that people can’t keep track of all the crises. His foreign policy has collapsed, the economy is on life support, unemployment and poverty are at record-breaking levels, scandals pile one upon another. And–oh yes, don’t forget–the country is $17 trillion in debt.

or measured this way........

Well, some of those individuals have contributed more than others. But let’s not forget that no president has the power to spend a nickel: all appropriations come from Congress. In truth, a corrupt bargain has been struck between the political class and a majority of voters–fluctuating, often reluctant, occasionally remorseful, but always enough to send big spenders back to Washington. So far, there is no sign that the out-of-control locomotive that is the product of this corrupt bargain can be deflected until it has flown off the cliff. At which point, of course, it will be too late.
But if you are on the Federal Government teet; times are very good for you..........
In the age of the government industrial complex, life is good in suburban Washington, D.C. The area accounts for six of the ten wealthiest counties in the U.S., according median household income data fromthe Census Bureau's Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates from 2011.
Shame on us for letting the Federal Government become too empowered, too wealthy, too extravagant.

I took my youngest to the bank yesterday to open an account with the $200 he got for his birthday last week. On the way, he was counting it up for the 100th time, then looks over at me and says, "Dad, I have more cash on hand then the United States does!!".

From the mouths of babes...