Cold Calls

nerdy123's Avatar
I have to say this. I have very little left in life that I treasure, and one thing I have, one thing this sight should provide is privacy. I do not appreciate a PM from a provider I would never contact, with a "hey Baby, I'm the best" blah blah blah. And then to respond to said PM with "I'm sorry, I don;t think I contacted you, and to get a response of "Here's my number. heres my times" etc.. This is very close to a telemarketer calling you at dinner time

The ladies that know me, know me as a very polite man. I would never waste your time- please don't waste mine.
I've had that happen a few times over the past years. It is the best way to wind up on my Do Not See list. And yes, it is annoying.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-09-2013, 11:00 PM
If you receive such unsolicited PM's, use the icon that appears to the upper right of the PM to report it to the Staff and we will address it.
Mossman's Avatar
Meh! All PM's have a delete feature...use it.
Geez... How rude and what an impersonal and generic response... I've never PM'd a guy unless he's contacted me and I am responding to his message... I won't even text someone out of the blue... Not even when I have a number change... I mean, they know where to find me if they want to contact me... As for the texting... Some guys don't use a hobby phone (I think we all should.) and I wouldn't want my phone to start beeping off while I'm laying in bed with my S.O. I usually don't respond unless they start the conversation. Common courtesy y'all. Good morning everybody... I want coffee.

I've had that happen a few times over the past years. It is the best way to wind up on my Do Not See list. And yes, it is annoying.
Originally Posted by Rover14
That would probably be what I would do lol
Good morning Karla! :-*

That is absolutely insane that the girls are doing that! Maybe it has worked for them, I don't know, but I have a hard enough time keeping up with my emails let alone trying to solicit more business for myself, especially in that sort of fashion. LOL That is crazy!
So a provider violated your privacy by pm'ing you and trying to sell you some a**? LOL
Maybe it was a VERY late response to one of your ISO's

Very sorry that happened to you! My heart bleeds for you
nerdy123's Avatar
So a provider violated your privacy by pm'ing you and trying to sell you some a**? LOL
Maybe it was a VERY late response to one of your ISO's

Very sorry that happened to you! My heart bleeds for you Originally Posted by Novatx

I believe I posted a valid point in the proper forum. Sarcasm wasn't required.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 10-10-2013, 10:05 PM
I believe I posted a valid point in the proper forum. Sarcasm wasn't required. Originally Posted by nerdy123
+1. At least it was a pm and not a text or email... Of course, you should have a hobby phone and email, but nonetheless, unsolicited direct comms is generally frowned upon. It also rhymes with bandering and probably not a wise or safe idea on her part, even if she knows for a fact you're not LE. That lack of discretion would, for me, make me consider her more risky and move on to someone with more consideration for the potential risk in all of this.

$. 02
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
I don't mind those pm's. Better that than an unwanted text or call. I delete & move on.
I did have a thought on this thread. I know, surprising.

A couple of times I have had a provider who was posting in the same threads as I send me a PM suggesting we get together, etc. I'm kinda OK with that. More often than not it was a provider who didn't fit into my type at that time. And yes, my type changes occasionally.
I have the very same opinion. Totally agree. The whole, let me reach out randomly is a bit far fetched, some may even call it desperate, unless of course it was a reply to an ISO, however... And it's just my POV from the lady side, I'm not sure I would consider it a literal violation of privacy, unless of course it was happening often from same broad.

But as I've said, I definitely agree w the annoyance.
Like mossman said though, ignoring or deleting can be helpful if it was just that one time.
colt's Avatar
  • colt
  • 10-11-2013, 05:12 AM
I don't have a dog in this fight, but, maybe that lady read one of your stellar reviews maybe another provider talked about what a wonderful many you are and just maybe she wanted to get some of that for herself. LOL

Ok to the point I don't consider a PM to be an alien invasion of my privacy, because I don't fire up Eccie in a crowd, or call the Kids over to see the post I just made on the Get banged site. You don't have it for your home page at work do you?

That said Text because phones chirp and curiosity is born of chirps, and Phone calls while you are doing odd things like eating dinner with the kids, watching a movie on the couch with the real GF those are invasions of privacy, and should be off your advertising agenda.
e_l traveler's Avatar
I would find an unsolicited call or text unwarranted more so than a Eccie pm.
ck1942's Avatar
imo there's a time (and space) for bonerfied out of the blue PMs.

-- replying to an ISO by PM or by posting, even if the reply is 24 or 48 hours past the ISO post (next time you are in the mood for XXX, please think of me, type of thing)

-- complimenting (genuinely) for a gent's post "CK, thanks for illuminating this thread, by the way I am having a special 20 dollars per inch special, so your session will be all of one hunnert bux!)

-- telling a gent (or for that matter a lady) "great to meet you at the luncheon last week"

-- back when you told me it would alright to give you a headsup (yes, that kind of head!) whenever I have an unannounced special or I am traveling to your area....

I can probably think of a few more occasions when I don't mind receiving unannounced PMs from YLs.... such as "please send me an invite to the 2013 Hollow Weenie bash!"

= = = =

In a now extinct era - once upon a time providers could see which members viewed their ads. More than a few ladies were wont to PM guys who viewed multiple times asking those gents why "the hell you view and you view and you view my ads and never book a session...." which is why that feature was turned off on that site when the next software update was emplaced. However, those ladies who paid for special ad space still got to see who read their ads, and, those paying ladies also got to read review ROS, but they did not have open access to the gents' only private forums.

Plus note: I recall directly telling a certain provider that the only reason I ever read her ads was to copy spelling and grammar errors. LOL!