Kat Komes Klean

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Hi Hobby Family...

I just got off the phone w/ a fella who decided against seeing me because I let him in on why I'm slowing down. I've been keeping it under wraps, but the truth of the matter is... I'm six months pregnant. It was my decision not to exploit this information but as the painfully honest person that I am, I advise callers to allow them to make an "informed" decision. It's just not everyone's cup of tea - mine included - however, I find that the rejections "kill" me thus the reason for this post.

I prefer to keep my difficulties under the radar, but truth is I'm running out of food & my Sprint account is about to be cut, so you'll only be able to reach me via PM/email till I come up w/ some $$$. Public assistance is out there, but I'm a prideful, independent wench *whose car died last Feb* so I have eschewed this option but... I've finally accepted that it's a necessity now. *blehhh... this sux*

I am not asking for your pity - merely sympathy/empathy - as I would give to someone in the same position. Nobody wants to admit they've come upon hard times (especially us Aries types!) but I have a longtime reputation as a person who helps others time & again often to my own detriment. You can't help if you don't know what's up, right? So, if you're like me and won't suffer a hardship, sure... offer some help. I know BrittneyLove has been fearing eviction just as I was before Thanksgiving. If I receive more than I need, I'll pass it on. That's what it's about. Helping each other.

At the end of this month, I will be relocating so I'm going to be packing up the lair and my residence, preparing my son to move in w/ Dad which entails possibly changing schools, securing storage for the things I don't want to get rid of but won't have room for, and finding homes for some of my beloved kitties. It's a stressful time & I doubt I'll be putting up a Xmas tree, but I will hang my wreath! lol I refuse to let adversity overcome! grrrrr

Please invite me out for some hot apple cider, Christmas Caroling, or something festive before I go. I'm already missing people as it's amazing how a lifestyle change alienates you from your so-called friends. I suppose that's one way to sift the wheat from the chaff, though, and when I'm 3.5 hrs away, I'll really know who cares.

So, the main point here is I'm pregnant so if that's not your thing, now you know not to call unless you want to wish me well.

**NO! I'm NOT lactating nor do I share that fetish. I do have very heavy, full breasts crowned by long, suckable nipples which feels soooo good when they're being itchy! Just wanted to get that out of the way.

Although I looooove Greek, it's not something I want to do at this time when it's imperative that the risk of bacterial infections be reduced. Oh my... when I'm done recovering, there's gonna be some fellas TORN UP FROM THE FLOOR UP! *ROWR*

Yes, it's true. My pussy is tighter, hotter, and sweeter than ever before, but it's not something I'm going to share w/ everyone as I don't like the thought of my baby getting banged around like that. When I was married & it was just the daddy, it was different. I'm not comfortable currently having intercourse w/ just anyone. That's why I'm not taking new clients & you may have to suffer some "ymwv" as per my weekly ad posting. I just don't know till I'm in the situation whether or not it's "right", but I know it heightens the risks. That's something I wish to minimize for obvious reasons.

Remember, I'm 43 yrs old although I look much younger *whew* so that alone increases my risk factors. I am trying to be responsible yet until I have more resources, I have to do what I can to maintain.

Thanks for reading & I REALLY don't want anyone bashing me for anything, OK? One reason I'm leaving Austin is that it's becoming claustrophobic and too many feelings of disillusionment, betrayal and negativity have soured me. It's time for a fresh start somewhere else - at least until I get through this section of road.

Kitty Kat
I am sending you my best wishes and congratz on the new baby to come!

Guest092815's Avatar
Many congratulations and best wishes to you!!

I will help in any way I am able, dear Kat. I am also an aries having a hard december, but I am hanging in there. I will call you soon as I get a chance.

mypinkcock's Avatar
Congratulations! Whose the lucky guy? NEvermind. Im sure Maury can help you wiht that one. THen again with business as slow as its got to be it might be a little easier to narrow down.

Arent you kinda old to be having a baby though? Seriously, what are you? Like 50?

MAn this place never stops entertaining me.
knotty man's Avatar
dude! theres no need whatsoever to be a pr*ck. good luck sweetie. ill be callin you soon to help you out also. we've all been there at one time or another. be safe doll
tige1979's Avatar
Congratulations! Whose the lucky guy? NEvermind. Im sure Maury can help you wiht that one. THen again with business as slow as its got to be it might be a little easier to narrow down.

Arent you kinda old to be having a baby though? Seriously, what are you? Like 50?

MAn this place never stops entertaining me.
tige1979's Avatar
Congrats on the baby and good luck.
Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
Congratulations! Whose the lucky guy? NEvermind. Im sure Maury can help you wiht that one. THen again with business as slow as its got to be it might be a little easier to narrow down.

Arent you kinda old to be having a baby though? Seriously, what are you? Like 50?

MAn this place never stops entertaining me. Originally Posted by mypinkcock

Are you seriously kidding me? Your that much of an ass you had to come on here and show everyone? Who are you to judge anyone who participates on this board. After all we are all just little angels aren't we?
Kitty I'm sorry your going through all this I'm here if ya need me give me a call anytime.
~Kisses Jen
In the spirit of holiday giving, I'm going to refrain from tearing into mypinkcock like a an angry lioness with a couple of starving cubs to feed.

Kat, honey, I sent you a PM to see what I can do to help. Keep your head up, beautiful.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Hang in there girl Things will brighten up.I wish nothing but the best for you and that sweet baby you are giving life too.
In the spirit of holiday giving, I'm going to refrain from tearing into mypinkcock like a an angry lioness with a couple of starving cubs to feed.

Kat, honey, I sent you a PM to see what I can do to help. Keep your head up, beautiful. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Lioness +1. There is no excuse for that sort of behavior.

Congrats on your baby! Check your pms.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-06-2010, 01:41 PM
Yes, kat, keep your chin up. You do have friends.
Congratulations! Whose the lucky guy? NEvermind. Im sure Maury can help you wiht that one. THen again with business as slow as its got to be it might be a little easier to narrow down.

Arent you kinda old to be having a baby though? Seriously, what are you? Like 50?

MAn this place never stops entertaining me. Originally Posted by mypinkcock
Truly unbelievable.

I'm assuming you had no mother to teach you some manners.

blenderhead's Avatar
Congratulations! Whose the lucky guy? NEvermind. Im sure Maury can help you wiht that one. THen again with business as slow as its got to be it might be a little easier to narrow down.

Arent you kinda old to be having a baby though? Seriously, what are you? Like 50?

MAn this place never stops entertaining me. Originally Posted by mypinkcock
Aren't you kinda young to be posting here? Seriously, what are you? Like 6?

Good luck to you, Kat. Don't listen to idiots like this.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Congratulations! Whose the lucky guy? NEvermind. Im sure Maury can help you wiht that one. THen again with business as slow as its got to be it might be a little easier to narrow down.

Arent you kinda old to be having a baby though? Seriously, what are you? Like 50?

MAn this place never stops entertaining me. Originally Posted by mypinkcock
I would think some time on the board would teach all of us there are some areas of privacy even here.

Failing that there are manners that most understand.

Failing that there is the Thumper good rule, "if you can't say something nice........ don't say nothing at all!!!"

Just because you are reading a thread does not mean that you HAVE to comment on it.

To Kit Kat, best of luck with the little bundle of joy, may it always be that way.