P411 vs. Wikileaks

I have been in the hobby since 2002, and have only had a brief membership on date-check. It was based on referrals, so I did not have to give any personal info. It seems to me that P411 would greatly simplify screening, because I do not have to wait on a provider that I have seen before give me the o.k. And BP is not an option.

I attempted to join before. They called me at work to confirm my identity and I backed out, because I am concerned about discretion. So, what I am wondering it what convinced the hobbyiest that use the service that their info would be safe?
Elephant's Avatar
I have never given P411 any personal info. I just gave them 3 provider references for membership....
From what I've heard, Preferred411 is based in Canada and is not subject to subpoena by any U.S. Court.

Gina and all of the P411 staff have always been exceptionally professional and discrete in my experience, and I've never heard any complaints about them. If you'd like to contact them directly to ask questions, email Gina@Preferred411.com.
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 12-08-2010, 05:46 PM
I have never given P411 any personal info. I just gave them 3 provider references for membership.... Originally Posted by Elephant
Same for me, but maybe it was 2. A provider on P411 sent me a sign-up request through P411. I didn't give them any info, I got 6 months free, and then paid with a money order from HEB.

It has made things much easier and faster to schedule.
blenderhead's Avatar
I didn't give them any info either. 2 providers vouched for me, and I got 6 months free. When the 6 months were up I sent them cash.
sixxbach's Avatar
Hmmmm I didn't have to do any of that... I just told them I am sixxbach....... that's all it took! hahahaha jk

P411 kicks ass! Thanks Gina...

22 provider ok's and counting.

It's made things way easier for me.

I just told them I knew SixxBach, and I was "in like Flynn"
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
It's funny to me that you backed out AFTER she had all your info and had completed the screening. What's the point? If the fear is her not keeping your info secure, too late as she already had it.

She has always claimed she destroys it immediately after screening. There is nothing on the site that would get you into trouble if leaked since it's just an ID number, a profile, and your Okays. Assuming you use a hobby email and pay with a gift card, you should be fine.
She has always claimed she destroys it immediately after screening. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
That is the part that gave me reservations. It is because you can not be sure. The reason I got so nervous is because the call took place at work, and there were coworkers around. It would look quite odd in my profession for me to stop production, pull out a cc, and start reading off numbers to someone over the phone. Did not think it through. lol It is funny given what I do.

You are right though, at that point discretion is pretty much out the door.
blenderhead's Avatar
Like I and others have already said, just get a couple of providers already on P411 to vouch for you and you don't have to get verified by them.
Agree with that was said about P411, it was a simple straightforward process without giving up any personal information. Made hobbying a lot easier with scheduling anytime I go out of town. BTW, thanks for reminding me that my membership needs to be renewed this month.
I love p411!!!! Makes everything so much easier!!!
toulmin's Avatar
Just before they raised the rates at P4, I coughed up the lifetime 2bens+. Personally I think it's probably the safest of all these sites and one of the most useful.