Man Convicted of Murdering Craigslist Escort

unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 12-13-2010, 04:20 PM
Just saw this:

I don't remember reading about this when it happened.
Eeek. Stuff like that sends shivers up my spine. I was in Boston working at a high volume agency when that med student murdered a girl in a swanky Back Bay hotel. Shook me up enough to push me into retirement. Honestly, I wasn't even this guy's type...but still.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
It's amazing how every second your last breath is near and it very well may be up to another persons actions that can determin if your next heartbeat is your last and the whole time you had no clue.
  • Logic
  • 12-13-2010, 07:16 PM
Very sad, But if you look at history it kinda comes with the territory. There are alot of sickos out there with mental problems. Read this study.
Whispers's Avatar
was following the trial and had shared the link with a few.... weird how that no one posted any of it....
Leslie Cochran's Avatar
Can anyone divulge the details of the murder? Like the motive, and what happened? Also look at this dude's mugshot:
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
This guy saw many of our local girls without incident. It seems he just sort of snapped that night. Perhaps he had been planning it for a while and finally got the nerve. What's scary is it really could have been any of us as he would have passed most of the local providers screening methods. He had more than 2 references from established local providers.
I would be interested to know what kind of services this person sought from the providers he saw before? Was he seeking aggressive encounters, role playing involving force or humiliation? Or was he seeking affection and romance? Personally I hold strong conclusions involving the risks involved with clients depending on the kind of services they are seeking because it speaks to their desires, fantasies, and temperament. If their fantasies involving hurting others then there's a higher risk that they may act on them. I know many will disagree with that, and want to believe that sadistic fantasy play is safe, but psychologists will tell you that everyone who's actually hurt someone this way fantasied about it obsessively beforehand. Such people are also far more likely to torture animals as well. People who receive exhilaration by causing pain to others are, well, mean. They might do a good job of controlling it so they can socialize with others, or to stay out of trouble, but it's really what turns them on. Wherever you go in the world these are the people who volunteer to become torturers in the jails and prisons, or anywhere where torture is going on.

In general terms however I know there are some providers who worry with each new client meeting that this might be the guy that does what they read about happened to someone else. But honestly I think such fears are exaggerations.

Predator attacks on escorts are very rare, but when they do happen it garners a lot of headlines.

It's rather like the fear of terrorism today, with many people fearing that they might be killed at any moment because of the wall-to-wall coverage that some moron tried to board a plan with a firecracker stuck in the underwear or in their shoe. The facts are in this country more people are killed each year by bee stings than by terrorists.

I think the facts are that fewer girls are attacked in escorting dates than non-escorts are in "regular" dates with boyfriends or partners. That latter risk girls tend to put out of their minds because they want to trust boyfriends and believe they are loved and protected.

I think it's a matter of perception, what someone wishes to believe, and the subjectivity of fears vs. wants.

I'm not trying to dismiss the horror of an attack when it occurs, but it's risk should not be exaggerated in light of the risks girls commonly marginalize when seeing someone they regard as a boyfriend.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
This SOB was just given life so I can now speak freely......He was one of my regular GFE'ers...I was to see him that day ..He was on his way to see me.. 15 mins before he called to say he got into an accident a few blocks away and asked if I could just come to his place later that night,,,,I now know that accident never happened he was setting a trap to get me there (which in the few years I had seen him was never wanted outcall)....Anyway I said fine if you call me by 9:30 tha latest as it was ladies night and I had plans...So 9:30 comes and goes so I go out as planned he calls just before 10 asking me to come I said sorry as I already had been drinking and refused to drive...

The last two times I had seen him in the weeks before date A he seemed in an angry mood at someone/something I just figured he was having a bad day I listend for a minute and his mood changed to calm....few days later dateB of that week he was in a happy mood things are fine during bcd hands held lightly over my head with one hand while other seemed to stroke/pet my neck again he was a regular so I was not thinking anything bad.....Anyway now that this is over I can breath knowing he got life and this girl now has justice.....I dont know why but fate maybe karma stepped in but that was supposed to be me that night For once I can say Alcohol saved a life.

I am only posting this because I want all to be aware to never get to comfy no matter how well you think you know a hobby friend......
Whispers's Avatar
Vicky told me about this a long time ago.... We've discussed it a time or two over the last year.... She's had to deal with a lot in this matter...

I applaud her for the courage to speak up and tell her story.

People Snap.....

Screening only tells you what someone was like the last time he saw a specific provider that he gives you as a reference....

No amount of screening can stop something like this from occurring.....

Had Vicky kept this appointment we may not have her here today.

But someone else.... that believed in screening and screened her clients is gone now.

There is nothing either side can really do to keep this from happening.

After the holidays..... Maybe we'll dig into the subject again..... For now.....

I'm being nice....
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Thankyou Whispers and Thankyou for keeping it quiet...
Whispers's Avatar
Thankyou Whispers and Thankyou for keeping it quiet... Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Sheesh...... I'm good with secrets......

Like a vault........ When Taylor was with me at Palacios the other night she started to tell me....'


I'll save that story!
Without going into too much detail, I knew the guy as well. When all of this went down, it definitely turned my world upside down and made me question a lot of things about the hobby.

Vicky, I'm so glad you never ended up at Nate's place that night. I don't even want to think about what could have happened to you.
So so sad... i remember when this happened. Also know a known provider had an appointment with him that night, but she had to cancel. Thank goodness because it very easily could of been her. Wish no one had gone to see this jerk that night...